The Worth and the Value of My First Withdrawn Hive Earnings


In life, for it to be more significant, do the great value that is sharing. Now let me share with you the value of sharing from my withdrawn Hive earnings.


It’s been 1 week that our province has been experiencing heavy rains. There was no appearance of Mr. Sun, and we experienced cold days. The days past were gloomy, but as it has been said rain brings blessings. Exactly, I do agree with this line, as I had my withdrawal from the blogs I published thru Hive. So, where did I share my blessings?

Friday’s activity


I arrived late to school due to the orange rainfall that the northern part of Cebu experienced. 90% of the students were absent, so by chance, we gathered together to transact withdrawals of our earnings. We are about to enjoy the reward of the good things that we have done. This was a little bit frightening but exciting. Fearful + Excitement= Success.


With the help of my co-bloggers @mommyjane and @callmesmile, the arduous processes we had undergone were achieved in 3 hours. The transactions of Binance; Google Authenticator; Hive wallet; and the need to install the Gcash app, was pretty tough, but since goodness was waiting we never tired of doing so. Patience is a virtue.




Right after being successful in the transactions, in a just split of seconds, Yahoo! It was deposited in my Gcash. I felt ecstatic because I received the reward already, and because of the success a treat to my co-teachers was given. What a blessing!

My Saturday treat with my kiddos



I used to say to my three musketeers once I can withdraw my earnings from my blog thru Hive, I will give them a treat. I will buy what they want. This time, it came to reality. I told them that we will go to Bogo, to buy their likes and have lunch where they wanted. It was 9:00 in the morning, off we went to Bogo with excitement. We were able to hitch a ride in going there, and we were dropped far from the Bogo Proper.



We opted to walk since the weather was still gloomy. We can bond and have a 15-minute walk together that was beneficial to our health. We enjoyed chatting while walking. We reached proper Bogo, and our walk made us hungry. They decided to have snacks at the 7/11 convenience store.




They happily entered and chose what they like to eat. These were their orders: Hungarian hotdog sandwich 2 pcs at $0.89 or 48.88 pesos each; siopao or steamed bun with pork inside that costs $0.89 or 48.00 pesos, fruit drinks that cost $1.02 or 56.00 each and 1 strawberry sticks that cost $1.18 or 65.00 each box.



I happily watched them enjoying their munch and bites. Their enjoyment was priceless.





Afterward, we went to the ukay-ukay (local term) store it is a Cebuano word that means to “dig or sift through” until you can choose your likes. There are different displays here; dresses, bedsheets, shoes, pants, shorts, and jackets. They have chosen bedsheets and t-shirts. I paid $ 15.89 or 875 pesos for the orders they took. This is what we called as a wise buy. The quality of the fabric here is good, and they are also affordable.




Of course, we will never forget to buy something for our fur babies left at home. So without any hesitations, we went to the pet shop to buy dog food, cat treat, and dog treat. I paid $ 6.37 or 350.00 pesos.


It was noon when we were done buying the pieces of stuff that we needed and liked. Again, their stomachs were hungry. I asked them where they like to eat for lunch, and they excitedly answered at Mang Inasal's fast food chain.





I ordered their likes: 3 pcs PM leg part of chicken with unlimited rice at $3.00 or 165.00 pesos each, 2 pcs barbecue (grilled pork) with unlimited rice that cost $2.64 or 145.00, and 3 small halo-halo (mixed ice cream, variety of fruits, milk, and with crushed ice) $1.22 or 67.00 pesos each.



They enjoyed eating their lunch, burping aloud, and having full stomachs. Such a fulfilling feeling as a mother.



Since it was 1:00 pm already, we decided to buy boxes of pizza for our loved ones left at home. So off we went to the famous Alberto’s Pizza Store in the city. There I ordered 4 boxes of Hawaiian Quickmelt Pizza at $ 3.19 or 175.00 each, and 2 boxes of Ham Delight at $ 2.73 or pesos each. Now, we were excited to go home.

At home


My mother was delighted with the boxes of pizza I bought for them. She always loves to eat this. I was happy indeed looking at her taking a bite.





My fur babies, of course, enjoyed munching their Pedigree Stix. I was glad they love their treat.




My sister’s family. They were thankful that I shared my blessing with them, and I was flattered when they told me about my generosity.


I also sent $18.21 or 1000 pesos to my brother who lives in Balamban, Cebu, and good thing tomorrow is his birthday. They planned to buy a cake with the money I had given. The money left is to be rewarded to me for a job well done. I’m going to pay for the cellular phone that I have loaned from the Home Credit. Thank God, my remaining balance for the loan applied was lessened.


It was a day full of blessings! Sharing is loving, regardless of how big or small is it as long as it comes from the bottom of your heart. This was where my first withdrawal was spent and shared. It was such a great accomplishment for me.

Values imparted to my children


The value of sharing is essential to maintain a healthy relationship. It bridges to everlasting happiness that is beyond compare. What I have shown to my children this day, taught them the value and importance of sharing. Anything that can be shared must be shared heartily without expecting any returns because if there is love, there is sharing, and let God do the reward.


Thank you Hive for this blessing received, and to the person behind my success @indayclara my heartfelt gratitude because, with her, I was on this platform. I praise God to the highest.

That's all for this blog, thank you for your time, keep safe everyone and God bless!

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