
credit to @jemzem

Before I'll forget it totally these are the winners.

1st - @dashand

2nd - @jemzem

3rd - @juanvegetarian

What's going Filipinos, we have our new week's title. I also updated the prize because we have our fellow Filipinos sponsor this contest with 3 hive. You can see the details here but the prize of it has changed. The 1st prize is 5 hive, 2nd prize 3 hive and 3rd prize is 2 hive. For those who will not be selected as the winner don't worry. I will share you the sweetness of the hive.

See the screenshot above, from the first prize to the participants I shared them the hive that I earned from my original post about this contest. Now, there's no reason for you my fellow Filipinos not to join I think.

So what kind of topic we have now. Ah, if you're a Filipino of course it's not new to you what are these cultures we have. You know we have a lot that we inherit it from our predecessors.

Example of it are asking visitors to eat with us when they enter in our house. Asking someone to drink if we recognise that person who's passing by. Giving or exchanhing food from neighbours. When Christmas or New year we are oblige to go home and celebrate together with our family.

Actually there are lot of them that sometimes we forgot because it never happens anymore. When the world discovered about technology. There are some cultures that being forgotten. We all know how important it to us. The culture is part of us that represents of what kind of people we are.

Let's not forget what we are before what we become right now. History maybe was written in the book only and almost forgotten. But remember, history was the reason what we have today. We must not forget our cultures and instead be proud of it. That's how we became unique from every countries out there.

Now, this is what this contest all about. About recollecting the stories that almost forgotten in the Philippines. I wanted to have it back because I wanted to learn more about my beloved country. We are not different from others. We stood before of our rights and that's why we got the liberty and we became free.

If you're a filipino please tell me about what you know some cultures in our country Philippines. I'm not young but I'm not that old for it to know all of it. Even though just ignore the prize and focus on writing about our country. It's not that bad as countrymen who loves the country.

What's up kabayan? I'll be waiting for your entry and I hope you won't miss this.

thank you for reading..

d' dreamboy,

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