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Improve Your Blog to Earn More


Blogging has become a side income for many. Most people are relying on social media for what they want to learn about. Not just how to cook, how to have a healthy lifestyle, and many more. Though if I'm not mistaken most people use social media to have fun like watching and reading. That's why a lot of bloggers and vloggers emerged hoping to earn the amount. Unlike vlogging, blogging is kind of hard to catch audiences. Not all people are into reading and some are too lazy to read for a longer post. Still, there are ways to attract audiences even though they seem less interested in reading.

I'm not really a good blogger or writer so the thoughts or ideas are not just for the readers but also myself. You can read more if you are still searching for more tips here

Topic / Content

It's perfect to think first about what kind of content we are writing. It might be random but it should be something new so people will wonder. Though we don't have an assurance that a lot of people will love it, knowing your content is different from the others. You will break the ice of walls in competing with other writers. Let's say for example most content creators wrote about the sea and what are the things in the sea. Isn't it obvious that when you write about the things in the forest they will for sure read it because they are already done reading about the sea things?

That's why deciding what kind of topic or content you are going to write is the best way to catch audiences or readers. In this way, you will have a higher chance that people will visit your blog.


The first thing that will catch our attention is the title itself. Recalling ourselves choosing novels or books to read. Of course, the title will encourage us to read the summary of it or take a short read about what kind of content is inside. The title will be the one to push us to be curious about a certain novel or book. When the title will be interesting by your own judgment, of course, the readers will feel the same. That's why my recommendation titles should be something new, rare, or confusing. We let our readers think about what kind of content we are writing so they will take their time visiting our blog and read it.


Cover Photo

Just by looking at an image most of us remain in awe. We already appreciate the beauty of that photo just by seeing the cover photo. Most readers will think that the content will be interesting by seeing it. I heard some people say that a photograph is like a package that doesn't need more words. Well, I think it's true because why do people spend so much money to hire a good photographer? You got it right! They are hoping to see something beautiful through images.

That reason is obviously an answer to why we should have a beautiful cover photo. If the readers don't care too much about the words then for sure they will visit your blog because of the images. Others will be interested because of that image and will read to learn the story behind it.


Now that you finally decided what kind of content you are going to write. It's important to watch the words you are going to use. I know the point should be more precise so the readers will understand what you are going to tell. Even so, the grammar should be wary because some readers are very strict. Though not all of them, remember that we are hoping to have a huge audience. It may not be the most important of every content, but let's not deny the fact that it's easier to understand when the grammar is well used.


You may consider yourself a good one in terms of writing or creating content. No one is perfect so having mistakes will be inevitable. It may not be the worst because you are really a good writer. Still, it's better to read a blog with only a few mistakes. Let's make ourselves be the readers of our own content so we can tell what the readers might think about it. That's why it's important to review our blog first before posting. In that way, we can have a better overview and observation of what our content looks like.


After the preparation, your job as a content creator hasn't finished yet. The world of blogging is vast, obviously, not all people will know that you do create content. That is why go out and engage more so people will learn about the existence of your blog. The world of blogging is not as easy as most people understand. It needs dedication and time to make sure you can earn through blogging.

Those are my ideas on how to improve your blog. Though there will be more ways to improve. These are just my thoughts about what I think needs to be done. Well, if you still have something to share with us you can just comment down below. It will not just for me but other readers as well.

Thank you for reading

All content is my own unless otherwise noted
If images are being recycled, I just found it fit in my article.



Paul is the name but prefers to be called mrnightmare that feels like living in the dream. A country boy and a dreamboy (dreamer) who likes to stay in a small village even though it means abandoning the future to become a seaman. The passion is writing but not sailing in the vast ocean. Don't wonder if the face will not be shown, this is better where the words can flow smoothly. Come, you can tell me your stories and I'll tell you mine. Together, let's explore the world by broadening our thoughts. If you need a shoulder I can lean you mine and I hope I can lean yours. The world is fun when living is not being alone but with someone.

