Eggs For Sale

The egg is one of the basic food needs for almost everyone. We have a small store and I witnessed how many eggs are being bought every morning. That's why having a source of eggs is very important for every store. The way when people ask for it they can have it. Not only that, most doctors advise you to eat eggs daily if you're on a diet. Maybe because the egg is good for providing carbohydrates which are very important to our body.

A lot of people are doing this kind of business nowadays. For sure they figured out that culturing a chicken to lay eggs every day provides a huge amount of money. However, this kind of business is a bit tiring and hassling. You need to feed the chickens every day, I'm not sure if it's 3 times a day but from what I heard. Chickens will keep on laying eggs depending on the kind of food they will be eating.

Not far from our store, approximately 5 km away. There's an organization that was supported by the government. The government gave them business but of course, it should be returned the amount of money that was lent by them. And this organization decided to have business with chickens to lay eggs.

I haven't seen these types of chickens and how they are being caged. Also, how the eggs would be after laying since no one will always be there to monitor them. After seeing it in person, I now realized how it worked.

For an amount of 600,000 pesos, you will have a business like this. There are companies that offer their service that you do not need to worry about. As long as you have the money, you can just sit back and relax while waiting for it to be finished. Although for that said amount you can only have 500 pieces of chicken. The cage and everything can be done by those companies who offer their service.

According to the people there who sold me eggs. The said amount was already returned without waiting for a whole year. They also gained profits for more than half of what they spent to have this business. It's not bad business for me because I have a wide space to use and am far from the houses. The question is the said amount to start a business like this is huge. Still, I'm not giving up on it and thinking of having one in years to come.

Thank you for reading

All content is my own unless otherwise noted
If images are being recycled, I just found it fit in my article.



Paul is the name but prefers to be called mrnightmare that feels like living in the dream. A country boy and a dreamboy (dreamer) who likes to stay in a small village even though it means abandoning the future to become a seaman. The passion is writing but not sailing in the vast ocean. Don't wonder if the face will not be shown, this is better where the words can flow smoothly. Come, you can tell me your stories and I'll tell you mine. Together, let's explore the world by broadening our thoughts. If you need a shoulder I can lean you mine and I hope I can lean yours. The world is fun when living is not being alone but with someone.


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