Quick meet up with a fellow Hiver, my sister at the airport before her flight back to SG.

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Week ago, my sister @asiaymalay informed me that she will be going home for a vacation here in the Philippines. As much as I wanted to go with her in our province, I couldn't since I was pregnant. It may be sad but it seems we will be seeing each other in 2027 on our mother's 70th birthday.

However, last week we suddenly planned a quick meet up at the airport since her flight back to Singapore is connecting from Iloilo. I can say, we are kinda lucky as her flight from Manila was delayed for two hours. So, we have at least three hours to chit chat.


Her arrival was 11:45 so I left at work at 11:30 and saw how hot it was outside! Could already feel the scorching heat of summer.


At the time I travelled, it's not yet rush hour the road there was only a moderated traffic. At 12:30 I was almost at the airport yet the problem was I was so hungry! I forgot to eat even just biscuits before travelling 🤣. Thankfully she chatted that she was already there waiting for me.

My only dilemma was her flight was in terminal 1 and there was no other place to eat nor spend time aside from Jollibee. Unlike in terminal 3, non-passengers can go inside and dine or go shopping on the second floor. Lots of choices and you can even monitor your loved one as they proceed at the check in area.

Left with no choice, I hurriedly ordered at the counter and even used my pregnant card.

I was assisted immediately by the crew and I was so thankful as I am near to passing out due to extreme hunger 🤣. Guess which one is my order? LOL!

Yeah, right I chose the super meal with (rice, burger steak, spaghetti and rice. Would you believe me if I say it wasn't enough to fill my tummy? Not that I am still starving but also not full. With that, I asked Asia to hand me some bread I requested her to buy in a well known bakery in Iloilo.


Catalugan one of my favorites aside from Hopia and ensaymada. Though I have seen one sold in Manila the taste was too different.


Speaking of ensaymada, this is what I am referring to. Unlike the usual brushes with margarine, this one is mongo flavored.


See how solid the fillings were? (I didn't eat this during lunchtime with sissy, but at night before I sleep).

Oh yeah, this is one of the reasons why I decided to meet her at the airport 🤣. Just for the food! LOL, kidding aside, of course I wanna have some chit chat with her as the last time we saw each other was September 2021. We both went home for a vacation.


So this is us sitting on the gang chair at the waiting area after eating.

It was maybe three hours but it wasn't that enough as there are so many chismis and stories to be shared. Yet, we need to cut as she has a flight to catch. Before that, we decided to take some photos for memories.


Yet it was hard to take decent photos using a timer. I place the phone down and three seconds wasn't enough.🤣


Okay, let's try one more! 🤣 How do we look at Asia? Are you satisfied?

Nope, we aren't that content so we even went outside for more yet I don't think so we had a nice one.


And what will be next? Of course she is leaving, getting inside the airport and I need to go home. I know you felt blue but then that's life. Gone are the days that are together 24/7. Now, we are all grown up and even had our own family and brought us into different places. Yet, who knows time might come. We will be living again in one place then we can have ending chit chats. OH NO! We are surely old, lol. Goodbye might not something to rejoice, but let's be positive, see you in the next years.

Lead image was edited using Canva
All photos are mine otherwise stated
Footer credit to Sensiblecast

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