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In my whole life all i want is simple life🥰 but the things is, what is really the meaning of simple life?

Simple life isn't that simple because it has different meaning base on one's thought or one's understanding.


As for rich men, Simple life is when you can do all things without restraint like for example; the ability to visit/ tour all around the world when you wanted too, Shop in the mall/ buying things without much care about the price and eat what you desire to eat, and the ability to further do what you want and have what you want (If you wishes to have a luxury car or a mansion you can have it because you can afford it). That's what it looks like if I'm/we're to be a rich man, not worrying much about what we want because we have the ability to have it.


As for people like me who is contented on what i have, Simple life for me is having piece in mind without any worries. Not worrying about bills, taxes, fair, food and needs (If only that's possible). That's way I'm finding job, work or way to gain/attain that simple life without worries.


I am actually a College Graduate of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering (ABE). That's the time when pandemic is still there and I'm happy that i graduate even in that situation but i suddenly realized that it is not the end. I thought that i can gain better job/ work upon graduating and it is yes but i need a follow up documents upon finishing my degree like License when passing board exam. Next is experience in the field mostly 1-5 years of experience before i will be hire in a particular position. Mainly it's about status (skill, background, capability, achievements, and specially the ability to follow what have been told you to do).

My Dtr Logbook and the Office i'm assigned when i am a beneficiary and an intern in the government

All just i want is simple life but it's hard for me if don't push myself better. Work passionately, finish the work in time, early at work, friendly at coworkers and able to finish what they order you to do; I have done it all but I'm just a beneficiary and an intern at that time in the government that's why in the end i only gain experience. I don't have savings because my salary back then is P400.00 a day/ 5x a week (excluding weekend). My daily expenses is P250.00(food and fair), 40 mins. travel time to work place from home, need to pay for load, provide assistance in house needs and provide for personal needs. That's my life cycle that's way for almost one year in the government i gain only experience. I continue it for almost a year because of the reason that i need experience to find better job. There are also people like me out there who have experience it and there are also those who work voluntarily just to have better job in the future and for experience.

It may be a cruel way but that life and that's how it works. Attaining Simple life for me is the most hardest way possible and i know for sure that there are those who is the same as me and even having harder life than mine. There are also those with broad heart who help others without anything in return.

I would like to thank those who supports me in this career, and ever hivanian out there.🥰

Having you always reminds me that I'm not alone. Having a simple life may be hard but there hope. Becoming an entrepreneur also helped me and hoping for it to grow. Still aiming for Simple lfe.


Photo provided to us as a distributor

I am now a reseller/distributor with membership card; having 50% discount in Suggested Retail Price (SRP) which provides me income when i resell it. I am also a delivery rider of parcels from Lazada. A bit far from what i finish in college but I'm still happy because this is probably the path God Give to me.🥰

Thanks hive and God bless🥰