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Source : Canva

What is Depression?

Depression (major depressive disorder) is a common and serious medical illnesses that negatively affects how you feel, the way you think and how you act.

Depression causes feelings of sadness and / or loss of interest in activities you once enjoyed. It can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems and can decrease your ability to function at work and at home. (Reference: American Psychiatric Association )

Signs and Symptoms:

It’s been 6 months since the last blog I made where I mentioned about problems that I was experiencing though I was not specific about it. Problems that stressed me so much that eventually turned out into depression. I was very sad at that time that I couldn’t find any reason to smile. A true and sincere smile because that time I was just faking it in front of others. I lost my interest in crocheting, sewing and even in writing. I had loss weight and had trouble in sleeping. And I also felt worthless.

What made it harder was that I was keeping it on myself only. No one knew about it even my mother, sister or a close friend, no matter how I wanted it to share. My husband only knew that I got jealous with the attention he gave to the youth (a group of teens mostly girls where my husband stand as one of the leader who trains them in the music team). Plus our financial status bothered me. I really felt alone also at that time.


One day, I confided @romeskie about how I feel since I can’t take it no longer. She told me to consult a specialist since my emotional state wasn’t stable as what I have told her. But before she suggested me about the specialist, I already think of doing it but we’re really on a tight budget, so I disregard the idea.

I was constantly attending the Sunday Service when we were told by our pastor to start the early Morning Prayer at the church. I started mine on our room. I started talking to God. I poured out all my pains and heartaches, asked all my questions and even my worries and was begging for His help. I was like a wounded child crying and asking for comfort from his Father.

Source : Canva

One week after, I noticed that the pain/sadness and worries had slowly diminished. Then I decided to join the youth together with my husband, the early Morning Prayer at the church. We’re doing it every day for almost two months now. The depression I had felt was long gone and I’ve realized that talking to God every day through prayers and asking for His guidance really helps. And knowing how much He loves me had fixed my mental and emotional well-being.