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I am Exhausted

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I'm exhausted from having to listen to the sound of my own tears, from having to constantly fight against my worries, and from having to fight against obstacles that keep coming back.

I'm worn out from squandering my days by dwelling in gloom; I'm worn out from words stabbing me in the heart like pointed spears; I'm worn out from living a life that is one continuous source of misery.

I'm weary of pretending that I don't care when, deep down, I do care; I'm tired of being trapped in unhealthy relationships and environments; I'm tired of hypocrisy and lies in a world full of fakes and veneers; and I'm exhausted.

I've had enough of struggling to have faith.
Weary of putting up a show, weary of fighting off loss, we give up.

I'm so sick of having these feelings,
Could you maybe spare me?
