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Another Set of HivePH Updates


Breaking the curation compilation streak and just letting people know what the account has been up to on the background. TL:DR we still do some stuff on the background.


  1. What Has Been Accomplished.
  2. End of Post

What Has Been Accomplished:

Managed to get more curation compilations on qeueu which meant we got more curators being active lately. Special mention to @juecoree for being the MVP curator when most of the staff (including @adamada) was away.

We managed to get some semi-automation when it comes to upvoting posts thanks to @jazzhero for coding the bot. Through a discord command we can just !vote a post curated which makes it less time consuming for me to manually upvote it using this account. We also incorporated a downvote function for this account so that moochers of the platform can take a hint.

A budget of 1 Hive weekly will be used to pay for Jazz's bot. It's peanuts compared to the value the guy gave to the organization.

Delegating the curation picks to other staff members with the semi-auto upvote function. I was the one mostly doing manual curation (not including the compilation posts). Running this account is a volunteer service, none of the staff get compensated enough for the time they put in the work so I'd like to make the process as less troublesome as possible through automating whatever needs automated or cut off unnecessary processes.

Curators from HivePH can just upvote using the account as they please but I will check what posts get upvoted. I don't expect any of the staff members would abuse the privilege for some pocket change.

The liquid funds on the account have been transferred to @romeskie and @gohenry for donations. It's a small value but those liquid funds belong to the community. No riches promised when you get upvoted by this account but whatever it earns it goes back to the community that chooses to build it.

Post Ended Here Thank You

Future Goals

This account has a long term goal of not powering down and just using the stake available. For now, a 100% upvote from this account may only mean a few pesos, but if Hive goes to moon, the value could just be more $ or not. The thought is that the account will just keep being used to support Filipino users and other exemptions while giving back to the community that helps build with it.

The end for this account is just the rest of the staff going hiatus indefinitely and it's more possible than you may think, why? the idea of spending a lot of time sifting through other people's accounts with a most of the #philippines tag community that can't be bothered but just content dump their way is phenomenal. I'll say it again, if you can't give a fuck about the community, so why should the community give a fuck about you?

Each time a curator suggests a nice post to upvote but has a barren comment section, it's like "at least they made a nice post." or something, people just can't be assed to connect and expect the rogue votes are going to put $ on their wallets or something. Live outside your illusion, good content here is relatively dependent on the value appraised by the community.

If it were just me running this account, I'd just hand pick some authors and be go on my merry way, not waste time curating authors that just be apathetic and content dump their shit over the platform sporting the #hive or #philippines tag. I highly doubt more than a handful of people actually bother to connect with other users. Not a curator's job to market your brand bruh/gurl. It's more lucrative and productive to just build on your own accounts.

Why? because that's the way it's always been. When you try and build a community, you're extending more resources to prop up a name for your community and not your personal name. Anyone that builds a community with personal fame in mind would have a hard time as resources are spent not on you but building on others.

Why should stake be given freely to apathetic moochers that just come in with the hype? they'll just leave as fast as a the drops in price, hype trains always do. When you're mindset is trying to build your community members, you take out some of your time to help their growth and in turn resources that you could have gained will be funneled through them. Your network, money, opportunities and etc.

There's really more costs to sustaining a community than rewards. I value my time and so do other people's time so I can't expect any staff to put in more work beyond their volunteer service. Take a damn good look at the Filipino community that popped up and how these communities decayed over time. Yeah, because people finally figured out how much community strength depends on the quality members that make up the organization.

I personally asked @romeskie to boot out some inactive members but she said no, I'm being mean. Honestly, wiping out 9/10 of the members list won't change anything. That's how much dead weight we got going on the server.

Special mention to @julstamban and alts for being a piece of shit at milking rewards for kicks and giggles. Let it be known by the blockchain of how much integrity you got trading reputation for pocket change. Creating multiple alts just to game the curation system. You might as well get married to @jassennessaj for thinking alike.