Bring on the heat!

They say that there are only two weathers in the Philippines, hot and hotter!

It can be really hot and humid here even during the rainy seasons. Lately, the rains only come in the afternoon after a scorching hot day. During the summer, no one is spared from the heat. A few summers ago, my friends and I went to Bantayan Island. Our first stop was Kota Park in Madridejos, north of the island. There was this long boardwalk that led up to a view deck. Only a few people were on it because I guess it was so hot. Armed with loads of sunblock, my friends and I stayed under the sun while enjoying the boardwalk to ourselves. By the end of it, we were sweating like pigs.

I'll be writing more about this trip in my next few blogs.

📍 Kota Park, Madridejos, Bantayan Island, Cebu, Philippines

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