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Abstract Organic This or That Pet Facebook Post (1).png

Typhoon Odette was one of the strongest disasters I have encounter in my entire life, well other than that earthquake. It is already given that this typhoon creates a massive negative impact for everyone who were being affected by its strength. It ruined houses, stopped the operations of some establishments, creates long queues on ATM machines, grocery stores, gasoline stations, and some have also lost their loved ones. But let us admit that there is always a light to every situation. It has always been a nature to every Filipinos to still smile after a grave misfortune. To still see the shiniest ray of hope amidst the darkness of every situation.

Okay, Okay, Okay. I’m going to stop being so sentimental hahaha. I’m going to tell you things I thought I could never do but I actually did during the aftermath of the typhoon where there is no electricity, no internet, and no mobile signal (in short life was a bit dull).

Number 1: Learned how to trim my eyebrows. Posted a poster outside as a joke that I trim eyebrows for 10 pesos but then everyone took it seriously hahahaha.


Number 2: Practiced make-up on myself but then the children from the neighborhood was jealous so I told them to ask permission from their parents before I put make-up on them. After that I always tell them to take a bath everyday so I will put make-up on them to look presentable everyday hahaha.



Number 3: Created a short novel for a kid neighbor whom I adore so much. It was one boring evening when she silently sit outside, I called her to come in because I will write her a novel in my sister’s laptop. She then excitedly went inside and listens to my story while I read and typed it at the same time. All of my cousins where listening and were having fun while I did it. I hope you guys can read it hahaha.

Every single night that kid would come to the place we are currently staying since I told her to come every day because I will create each chapters of the novel every night if she’s around.

Number 4: Bought something for my cat, sang for my other cat, and played with our new puppies.


This is my cat “Ungo” (ghost in English) and I bought her a collar with bell since my other cats hated when I hang something on their necks except her. One time she was wearing it and I removed it because I would like to see how my other cats would look like when they wear it. As soon as I removed it from her neck and put it towards my other cat, she immediately followed me and repeatedly meowed at me because she really likes the golden collar.


These are our new puppies named as B1, B2, and B3. Their mother is our dog Rosemary which is a dog that was being left by the owner who is about to go somewhere but dogs were not allowed on bored. Rosemary was just a stray until we saw and fed her. We would not be able to meet these cuties without our dear Rosemary.

Number 5: Had fun with the people around.


I live in a neighborhood in where people are close. We played cards, danced to kpop songs, talked about good and bad memories before bed time, sing songs played by the guitar, fixed roofs, played games with the children, prayed together, and also laugh on things that happened during the typhoon. The damage has been done. We did what we had to do. Cry, recover, and stand tall.


Erika the Drama tells a story of an extrovert 21-year-old woman and all of her shenanigans in life involving the ups and downs, bad and good decisions, and her ways on keeping her life interesting. She is outgoing, decisive, sociable, boisterous, and loves to have fun. Her major ambition in life is to live with a sense of purpose (not household chores related, she's too lazy to wash the dishes). She loves and adores talking to people to gain different perspectives plus she can be good at making dumb conversations. She has a very curious mind and is very inquisitive. As the phrase goes, "Minds are like parachutes; they only function when open", she believes that having a close mind faces nothing but a disaster. Join her as she embarks on every journey of life and learns the most important lessons from it together.

If you want to read more of her stories, an upvote, comment, follow, and reblog would be very much appreciated. Thank you!