Meeting Hive PH Members for the First Time

Image from indayclara

An electrifying mix of nerves and excitement coursed through me as I made my way to the meet-up location. This is the first time ever in my life going to a social event where the majority of the people I am seeing are I am not familiar with. Well, I already have a little knowledge about them because I always had the chance to interact with them on Discord but of course, it will be different to meet them in person. Who knows that this intimidating guy talking on the voice channel might be nice and friendly after all?

To be honest, a day before the event, I had second thoughts about attending because I was feeling anxious about meeting new people. I kept imagining worst-case scenarios in my head and was worried that something might go wrong. I also have a Saturday class in my two major subjects that will discuss one particular topic that I am not familiar with.

But then, I realized that I was just creating fake scenarios and that my mind was trying to keep me within my comfort zone. The class that I will miss can actually be revisited and studied through YouTube, but the moments and experiences that I will miss cannot be regained. So, I gave myself a mental shake and decided to push through and attend the event.

I have read somewhere that if you’re scared to do something, that’s the signal to do it. I've also seen this as an opportunity to challenge myself and step out of my comfort zone.

On the day of the meet-up, I traveled early to meet @dennnmarc and @cindee08. We arranged to meet up beforehand and travel together to the venue. Cindee was an absolute joy to talk to; her outgoing personality and easy charm made me feel right at ease. It's no surprise she was awarded the title of 'Most Jolly Person'! Dennnmarc, on the other hand, was just as friendly and easy to talk to as always. Since we had met a few times before, there was no sense of awkwardness or discomfort between us.

When we arrived at Ayala in Makati, the first person I saw was @akumagai. I had already seen his picture online, so I knew it was him. Akumagai had a very approachable vibe and was the first to ask us about our travels and where we came from. He was in the middle of a conversation with someone whom I later found out was @adamada . Adamada isn't intimidating at all! I really enjoyed having small talks with him. I also took note of his words of wisdom.

During the meet-up, I had the pleasure of meeting other members of the community. My expectation to ate @wittyzell is still the same as when I met her at the meetup; jolly and easy to be with. I'm glad that she's not blurred though HAHA just kidding. I also met ate @arcgspy, and even though we didn't have the chance to talk much, I can say that she's fun to be with and she will probably have lots to share. Ate @cthings have this soft personality that I can easily distinguish when she started talking. Kuya @demotry is just like a supportive brother that I feel anytime we can rely on.

As I watched them and listened to their conversations, I couldn't help but smile, even though I was feeling a bit shy and awkward at first haha. Over time, however, I began to feel more comfortable around them.

After that, Ish, Dennmarc, Cindee, and I decided to stick together and hang out at a nearby food park. We chatted and caught up for a while before making our way to the Lobo Tavern in Makati, where the meet-up was being held. I just want to tell you how I love Ate Ish for being a nice friend figure. Her vibe is not heavy to be with!

As we walked through Makati, I couldn't help but be amazed at how progressive the area was. Unlike other places that are car-centric, Makati had ample space allotted for pedestrians, with underground tunnels specifically constructed for those on foot. It was also heartwarming to see how comfortable the people were with expressing themselves without worrying about discrimination. We even noticed several LGBTQ+ couples who felt safe and confident enough to show their love. It's my hope that everyone can feel that same level of acceptance and security.

Upon arriving at the meet-up venue, we were warmly welcomed by the wonderful owner and staff. Ate Rhome and other members of the Hive PH community also greeted us with open arms, and I briefly introduced myself to them. Even though I was feeling nervous and shy at the time, I tried to hide it with a smile, although I'm not sure how successful I was hahaha.

Image from @indayclara
Image from @indayclara

I am also shocked when I saw ate Inday at the event! Just a while ago, we were having a conversation about her, about how sad I am when I heard she will not make it to the event, but here she is, greeting us with her attractive smile and energetic vibe.

Image from @indayclara

Image from @indayclara

The food served to us was really delicious. One of my favorites was the pork dish that I don't even know the name of. I also enjoyed the crunchy and crispy pata, delicious sisig, and another pork dish that I couldn't identify.

Image from @indayclara

After the meal, they prepared a simple program that everyone enjoyed. It started with opening remarks led by Adam, followed by an introduction of the members and games that served as an icebreaker. I glad to meet ate @lhes, kuya @sensiblecast, and ate @bananzell.

Image from @indayclara
Image from @indayclara

Ate wittyzel facilitated the majority of the program while ate @romeskie and kuya @tpkidkai helped in distributing the prize and souvenirs. Unfortunately, I don't have the chance to make a chika with them as I noticed that they are busy with the event. Ate Rhome is really a nanay figure for me (I want to hug her, to be honest, haha) and kuya TP, on the other hand, is like a tatay or brother figure who can talk to you if there's something bothering you.

Image from @indayclara

I enjoyed the various activities, particularly the human bingo, which allowed me to connect with other members of the community. Although I knew my singing voice wasn't the most pleasant to listen to, I also gave karaoke a shot. Thanks to my low alcohol tolerance, I felt the effects of the alcoholic drink quickly, which helped me overcome my shyness.

Image from @indayclara

Image from @indayclara

After the mini event of Lobo Tavern Makati, we went to a nearby KTV Bar to continue the fun. From that night I discovered who’s have the talent for singing and who has the skills in flirting HAHAHA just kidding. I'm just in the corner, observing the place and feeling myself. I am not that drunk but I feel nauseous every time I smell or taste the strong scent of the alcohol. Dennmarc on the other hand is starting to act silly, a sign that he’s already drunk although he kept insisting that he isn’t.

We stayed at Demo's place to spend the rest of the night. Thanks, Demo! In the morning, we prepared to go to Tagaytay. I didn't really expect to go with them because my original plan was to go home in the morning. But since the van we rode took a slightly different route, I decided to just go along with them. It's been a while since I last visited Tagaytay, so let's go! Plus I am not so familiar with the place I am going to take when going home so yeah.

insert nervous chuckle.

I really had fun playing Mobile Legends with @jude.villarta and Dennmarc while we are in the van. Even though I am not a great player, we still won! Thanks to Jude for handling the game. If I am in her place, my anger issues can't.

After traversing the busy route to Tagaytay for more than 2 hours, we reached our first destination - The Bulalo Capital. Tagaytay is known for its delicious "bulalo" or bone marrow soup. So, if you want to make the most out of your visit there, you also need to try one of their delicious dishes. Also, it's not a good idea to go around sightseeing if our stomachs are empty.

Image from @indayclara

Talking about the Bulalo Capital, I can say that the place is great; from the aesthetics and the nice overlooking of the Taal Volcano, I can’t say more. I also enjoyed the food, especially the "bulalo" and their sisig.

After we finished our meals, we explored the upper area of the place where the full scenic view of the Taal volcano and the Taal Lake can be seen. There are also various backdrops, props, and equipment available that you can use to strike your iconic pose and make your photos even more goofy and amazing.

Image from @indayclara

After taking a few moments, Dennmarc and I decided to tell them that we were going home. It's already 2 pm, and if we stay longer, we might have difficulty finding our way back since we're not very familiar with the route. We even got worried because we don’t know what vehicle exactly to ride, lol. Thanks to our friends for guiding us.

Upon reaching Skyranch Tagaytay, Den and I bid our goodbyes to the rest of the family. We had our farewell hugs, which made me a little bit sad because this may be the last time I will see them for a long time. We rode a jeepney going to the terminal, then from the terminal, we rode a bus going to Bacoor. The trip took almost three hours, but I was comfortable throughout the journey because I was with Den.

Upon arriving home, I immediately shared with my mother what happened at our Hive meetup and how great the people I met were. She seemed enthusiastic about my stories. I looked like a kid sharing how his day went, lol.

At the end of the day, I didn't just go to Makati for the purpose of the meetup, but also to achieve my goal of stepping out of my shell and improving my social skills. Although I'm not comfortable with talking with new people and stuff, I know I need to expose myself to this kind of activity. I'm willing to endure the discomfort for the sake of my own personal growth and character development. Ganern!

But did I achieve it? I think so but the result will not be that instant. Thank you Hive PH for the opportunity. Nice to meet y’all. I really had a blast. See you again soon!

If you've made it here thank you so much for reading. I always spend several hours just to complete this, which might seem like an exaggeration to others but trust me, it's not 😅. So, the thought of someone reading my work already warms my heart (∩˃o˂∩)♡. Until next time, bye!

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