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"Remembering The Departed"

🍀Dairy of Bree: Entry 01


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Flowers have to be withered, trees need to let go of their leaves, seasons may fade, and as our life shall be. We have a limited time on this Earth, our goals and dreams make us strive harder to achieve it, people may suffer, and some may be content and happy with their current state of life. This reality we live in has a limit, but dreams are meant for eternity. Our body may die but the soul shall wander endlessly.


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November 12th, year 2021. I visited my uncle's house on my mother's side. We are having a blast on that day because I got the chance to bond with them as well as to my Lolo (Grandfather). Every time I spent the night there, we ended up sleeping all together in an upstairs room, where we shared our struggles, life dreams, and other stuff like chismis (gossip) lol. But as the day facade, as well as our loving Lolo. I rarely spend my time with my Lolo, my Mother's Father, since we're in separate houses and places. That day, Lolo told me about his pain he experienced in his body, and for me in my state, I usually put Efficascent Oil (mint oil alike to Vicks Vapourub) to lessen his head ache, and that day will be the last moment to be ever with my Lolo. I remembered when I was a child, my parents along with my cousins had to sell "torotot" every before Christmas and New Year. And since I was a child back then, they left me with my lolo. My memories of him are vivid to remember, that's the only memory I had with him when I was a child, up to my teenage life, my only left memories are bunch of conversations such as "Lo, ti init man di Lo kung ma tulog ka?" "Damo man di lamok ay?" or " Kamusta ka Lo?" and so on...


"Lo, is it hot in here when you're asleep?"
"Lo, were there many mosquitos in here?"
"How are you, Lo?"

By this conversation, we already talk about things such as his well being, as well as mine. In the month of December 19th, year 2021. My cousin called me, and they were crying and told me the news that Lolo passed away, and I was left in shock. I cried, my father along with my cousins (on my father's side) comforted me, and I can't go there immediately because of the pandemic and I haven't yet been vaccinated.

December 24th, year 2021. We went to the airport to pick up my mother and my uncle. And as we arrived at the house of my other uncle, my mother together with my uncles burst their tears as they saw their father lying peacefully in a glass coffin, I know they were longing to caress their dead father once more. I myself did not cry, it's not my usual habit to cry in front of others, I prevented it and it hurts deep down in my throat. Life is really an unexpected journey.



The day of burial, I spend the night in my father's home and as we commute to go to my uncle's house, the heavy rain poured down, the day was gloomy and the raindrops were like stone rocks. As we got there my shoes and the down part of my pants got soaked. But what I am truly amazed about is that, as my grandfather's coffin was taken out to put in the hearse, the rain began to calm down. As we reached the church, believe me, it went from gloomy to sunny. People mumbled as well as my family that it's because of my grandfather. I was in awe because of the unbelievably changing weather.


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As I have said in the first paragraph. Everything shall withered. We have our end in this world, but our soul will be drift off in the sea to sail to the gray havens—where there is no suffering nor even pain to the happiness and peaceful wandering. I was saddened by what happened, yet I am relieved that my grandfather is already with his loved ones and living happily in the haven for dead souls.

My friends, always remember to create memories, that's unforgettable to your loved ones when you still have the time. Because, we did not know when is their/ours end.

Message To My Late Grandfather

Lo, I know you are in the good hands. Thank you always for guiding us, keeping us safe, and I can feel when I am down you are there comforting me, and I know you are doing really fine up there, because you said it personally to me in my dream; the time of your birthday, you hugged me and I can feel the light shines upon in you. We will always missed you Lo and we loved you, ALWAYS. "Without you there is no us".