Late and Creative Hive Business Card

I came across this contest host by @acidyo so late on my friends blogs, and I also wish to participate. So I took my time to explore and also wide my knowledge to study what app or how I can go with the design and I wish to do it on my own without no one, so i come out with a great app on my mobile android phone named ADOBE EXPRESS. I uses this app as a novice and as a learner to design my contest, although it was a very tough one for me before I could understand how to use the app but with the mission and mindset that I can do it,

I started and I think I get familiar with the app so easy and come out with this little designs for my entry, which I will like to explain on how I get my result from this app and the procedure I took for anyone interesting to use Adobe to design blog post image.

Procedure and step on ADOBE EXPRESS

  • I get my ADOBE EXPRESS download and started studying and working on how to get a good output on my android phone, but firstly I get all the necessary documents needed for the design
  • I started by creating a work space on the app, then I choose a desirable background design, i want for my design then the workspace is looking awesome for my entry, after I started inputting all the downloaded document to get a better design.

  • After all this, I started thinking of the colour mixture for the design so as not to look odd in the output that I will arrive at as a novice and a learner on the app.

  • Finally, i think I'm now familiar and come out with my front and back template of the HIVE BUSINESS CARD and here is my final result to the contest.

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