MTG: Arena Quest back up to Mythic from bronze (With strategies and bounty awards)


Literally restarting from the bottom up after years of not playing to go back to mythic.

Before I did 3 of the decathlon sealed events and didn't do so well barely making 3 wins in all 3 tries and realized it was a phantom sealed so was not worth it for me. (For those doing decathlon though I'd recommend paying in coins instead of gems)


One is a competitive draft and 1 is the decathlon so simple mathematics would literally mean you just lit 500 gems on fire if you were to have paid in gems vs coins.


This was not quite the result I wanted as it nets me a 100 gem net loss, but you can't always run good. But in terms of packs you should almost never buy pack bundles but draft or play sealed provided you are moderately decent at the game. That means I just netted 6 packs for 100 gem. I even choose to raredraft at times as my decks are almost complete or if the card I am picking doesn't add enough value because after 4x copies you receive gems for those cards.(I just wish it implements a real drafting atmosphere as you play some pretty broken decks in this format that are not of your draft pod)

In a normal situation I would hate draft to ensure I don't go against certain cards or have sideboard ready cards, but that serves no purpose for Mtg Arena and these best of 1 drafts and I don't like grinding out the 2/3 ones as there is a great deal of rng in limited as it is.
If you guys would like me to go more indepth in terms of the strategy and how I came to decide how what to draft let me know and if enough interest I'll consider a more intensive post or direct my content in that direction.

You can download and play this game for free here (It is not a NFT or P2E game)
If you guys meet me in a game and beat me you just have to comment on 1 of my posts and I will reward you with 100 ecency points must have a screenshot to prove it is you and the win
Also if anyone would like a deck review or something feel free to post it here and we can discuss. Also in a way to help promote Magic the Gathering subsection as it doesn't seem to have a lot of users I'm going to be boosting with 100 ecency points each 3 post to qualify you just have to tag me in the post and we can review your deck/cards

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