Hello, World!

Greetings, programming beginners, those with experience, and those who are curious about coding. Welcome to the Learn to Code tribe.

Image Source: Stable Diffusion

As planned, the SMT reward pool for BYTE token has been successfully launched. BYTE staking and delegation are also now enabled. BYTE token is available on TribalDEX and Hive-Engine.com, currently at a sell price of 0.001 SWAP.HIVE.

Image Source: Stable Diffusion

A "Hello, World!" program is usually the first program written by a beginner learning a programming language. It's simple and short.

Now that staking is enabled for content creation and curation, perhaps you'll begin by using the #learntocode tag and creating a kind of Hello World post to introduce yourself to the Learn to Code tribe. Share what you already know, your plans for learning and development, and the type of content you intend to post most frequently.

These are our volunteer tribe moderators:


Are you ready to learn to code? We look forward to seeing your content. Let's learn and create together!

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1 column