Sweet Potato: The juice of effort

Hello my dear hivers. A great day to all of you.This time I wanna share to you my memories and how to grow a sweet potato. But before that let me ask you some questions. Have you ever heard the word "camote"? or have you ever seen it or taste?. Here in Leyte sweet potato is locally known as camote. Most farmers usually in mountainous area plants camote in their farm. Camote in english is called sweet potato,from the word itself it well come up to our mind or we're expecting some sweet taste,right?
After my intro post I didnt have something to share because I always stay in our home. Taking good care of my daughter is my priority and to be on her side 24/7. Since Im not that kind of adventurous its not new to me staying in our house. Then unexpectedly, I come up with this idea because of the memories that I retrieved while scrolling my galleries. I saw a picture that was captured last year and we're digging or harvesting camote. The memories back then was enjoyabble and it was shown in our face. I was digging camote together with my grandmother ,mother and cousin. Its quit exhausting but its worth it as we taste the juice of effort. Hmmm..I suddenly missed the sweet taste of camote. Now my family are planning to plant sweet potato in the vacant ground near our house. This time we prefer to grow camote near our house because of what happen last year that we plant camote in "dunikop" its our farm far from our home and it is a mountainous area where monkeys harvested our camote. ![IMG20210425172616.jpg](






The first thing to do before planting the stems of camote we should prepare a portion of a land.Clean the area then plow and harrow by using tractor or carabao.After that, the soil is ready for planting. We can use the camote stems for planting or we can slightly bury the camote itself with a roots but we prefer to use the stems for planting. Then wait until the vines grows for almost 5 months before we can start to harvest our sweet potatoes in our farm. The good thing about sweet potatoes is we can harvest not only once but more times until its leaves turns to yellow.
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