BeerSaturday 337 - High Grade Bongo Elephant?


So many #beersaturday weeks all dedicated to the longest running drinking club on any blockchain!

Being The Blockchain Beerologist definitely has its perks, including but not limited to getting paid to tour breweries and sample new beers! When I am not globetrotting and chugging pints, my fridge looks like a colourful mosaic of regional craft beer I enjoy sharing with the #beersaturday alliance of #beer bloggers on #hive.

This week, I am discovering a new Pint of the Week and revisiting some rebranded flagship craft beer.


Pint o' the Week


The pint of the week is generally enjoyed at a pub, during a meeting, or just as a fancy adjective in the sentence that is my life. This week, I am visiting a cafe/wine bar for an entrepreneur networking event and I swear I should spend more time here each time I go. Brch & Wyn is the name of the place and they have a fantastic array of the best coffee, and non coffee beverages. So good that I had never even heard of this IPA, which is the specialty of this #beerologist.

I have sampled a few beers from Fairweather Brewing before but can't remember them standing out. High Grade IPA was described as the owner's favourite new IPA and seeing Simcoe, Idaho 7, Citra and Mosaic hops on the front of the label, it could very well become mine as well!

I generally don't prematurely bust out the seal of approval on the blog but I have to this time. Fantastic IPA and I surely hope to find this on the shelf to take home as I need to taste this another time.


Bongo Bomb


Big Rig Brewing hail from our nation's capital in Ottawa and I can't say I have had a chance to visit yet! Still, they are responsible for {Alpha Bomb Hazy IPA]( which I have loved a long time so I know they have IPA game.


Bongo Bong Grapefruit Radler IPA is one I have sampled before and enjoyed so I decided to pick it up again and test for consistency and evolution of my palate. Though Radler, fruit and IPA should not be uttered in the same sentence for some beer purists, I really enjoy this beer. It is bold enough to attract my attention, subtle enough on the grapefruit not to distract, and smooth enough with the oats and lower ABV, that is just seems right. Apparently people asked for it and I see why! I will probably pick this up regularly for when an IPA is a touch too heavy for the circumstance.

Dead Elephant


Railway City Brewing is only an hour or so south of where I am and, again, I have not yet visited this taproom! I have had this beer and can probably dig up 3 different revisions of this brand so I needed to pick one up to see how it compares to previous batches with different labels.


I remember wondering why a brewery would brand a beer with something as unrefreshing sounding as Dead Elephant IPA and then discovering the story on the side label. PT Barnum was the brand on a travelling circus WAY back before the day and Jumbo the Elephant was a prize exhibit. Apparently, this elephant meets its demise on the rails around St. Thomas and that is a historic enough reason to name your flagship IPA. Though it is a large IPA with it's boldness and hoppiness, it still tastes a little too dry and gritty for my preference. Speaks for its consistency though as this is how I remember the beer a couple years ago. Consistent and okay but still not my thing.


Maybe I should try and grow a hop beard and become a craft beer hipster too! Join the other beer swilling usual suspects with @detlev and instantly become a beer blogger at Beer Saturday 337

This week for #BeerSaturday, I am inviting @damla who is an old skool #trliste curator and might like a beer? Take a few pictures, tag #beersaturday and raise a glass with us on Hive! When Hive reaches $10, we are going to have one hell of a global brewery tour with live music!

Cheers to our global family of beer-drinkers!!




Tag a Craft Brewery where you are!

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