Pripps Blå Citrus

Greetings fellow Hiveans!

Welcome to my little blog.

Brewery that use to be the biggest in Gothenburg before they were bored up by the Danes. Have you at least have beer with lemon taste! I thought it sounds interesting, so I bought one to taste test.

When I opened it and pour it up into a glass, it smelled like just an ordinary beer, and the foam was bright and clear white When I opened it and pour it up in a glass, it’s smelled like just an ordinary beer, and the foam was bright and clear white.

It tasted like an ordinary beer but much fruitier with a clear lemon seat taste and also fresh herbs and crack bread in the taste.

This could be a favorite of mine has a beer to drink to food. The beer should be very tasty to fish she can and also to pork and of course just by yourself in company have some good friends.

I do hope you enjoy my blog!

you are welcome back whenever you like! 

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