Beer Saturday : Bell's Double Two Hearted Ale


Here is a special treat I found at my local co-op today in the single-serve section; Bells Double Tow Hearted Ale. I should let you know now; I'm biased with Bell's. Their Two Hearted used to be a top 10 beer in the world, years before the current craft beer movement. And I agree; I love Two Hearted. It might actually be the one IPA I've drunk the most of in my life.


Five years ago I visited their brewery in Kalamazoo, Michigan; Bell's was definitely a "grail" brewery I had always wanted to visit, and at the time, you could only get the double Two Hearted on-site, and on tap. If memory serves me well, it was absolutely delicious.


This is an intense beer. Coming in at 11% ABV with 91 IBU, this beer is most certainly very smooth. The booze is present, for certain; the Centennials do a good job balancing the malt and alcohol taste out. It's very rich, and with a production date of fewer than 30 days in age, this is one fresh ale.


There are 40,000 some check-ins on Untapd, and the mean score out of 5 is 4.16. I'm going to give it a 4.25. This is a good beer, but I don't think I'd be able to put a six-pack of this down in a session. Maybe I could, but I'm confident this is what I would see later that day:


Highly recommended if you are a fan of Bell's; I'd still opt for Two Hearted first, but this is a good one to mix in now and then.

I hope everyone is having a safe, enjoyable, and wonderful October Saturday night. Thanks for stopping by and taking a read.

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