Beer Saturday My Mostly Text Based Beer Adventure.

Beeeer... Now here's a topic I know a little something about. I guess most people might say I like the stuff too much but I'm going to keep consumption to a minimum here. Otherwise this post will be all over the shop. I guess first thing to do is go get a decent beer... Hold on, I'll Be right back.

Ok sorry for the delay there, I ended up with way too many choices.

Hmm Lets see here, Better grab a few just in case. This post might have to be dragged out a bit.


CH'TI Im sure Ed will appreciate the reference.

Home safe, no zombie attackers to impede the journey home and a couple of bottles better off. Lets get the bad boys cold, In the Freezer they go.

What to do while killing time... Good question, I think at this stage I'm going to do my daily Splinterlands quest, claim my defi staking rewards for the week on some of my shitcoins... Maybe twiddle my thumbs for a bit. Come on beer... GET COLD.

OK OK no point rushing it, Warm beer is a sin. Simple. No excuses can possibly be given that will ever justify A less than icy cold refreshment.

Maybe I should go check on them.. See if their cold yet, maybe offer them some words of encouragement and a pat on the bottle cap? Show them some support, maybe it'll help.

Ok that did not seem to work. They aren't cold but the appear to be cool. Come on you bastards just Chill!


Lets crank that shit to 11, well it only goes to 5 But Imma still say 11.

Ok Ill just have to amuse myself the old fashioned way...

@Rubido character has been generated

Inventory :
Wooden stick
2 warm potions
Cardboard shield

Enter the Dungeon > yes : no

@rubido has found a treasure chest

Open: >yes : no

Treasure chest has been successfully opened!!!

Inside you find

Quality whiskey

Quality whiskey
has been added to the inventory!

Now that's a good Idea... Who am I to ignore a fine Idea. A wee dram while I wait couldn't hurt.

Ok I may have slipped a bit while pouring, Ok maybe more than slipped but...


Still its a shame to waste it. Back to the dungeon we go. lets open that window and lets get going.

@rubido has encountered a slime!

Fight! : Run : > Drink >
Quality whiskey

Are you sure? > yes : no

Quality whiskey
deals a critical hit and inflicts status ailment confused!

@rubido talks to himself, Slime attacks for 1 damage!

Retaliate with wooden stick? > yes : no
Slime has been defeated, warm potions have been upgraded to chilled potions.

Drink chilled potions? > yes : no

There that's better. Look like its cold, Now to try a little bit and see which glass to use..

Damn that's pretty good...

I need a bigger glass, Hold on lets sort this out so we can get this show on the road.

Way too small...
Still to small...
Better but we have to be able to do better than that.


See they just don't cut the mustard, I was supposed to have company today but they bailed. Imma have to take one for the team.


Thats the one, 1.5 litres or 3 pints of liquid health tonic.
Good quality German manufacturing.


Sorry waiting for the beer to chill got me distracted...

Now where was I again? Oh yeah I've left my dude in game without getting him to safety...

Chilled potion x2 consumed
Hp fully recovered.

Continue : Save progress : > Return to Inn <

@rubido returns to the inn, encounters angry wife

Flee: > Flee < : Flee

Ok that's my cue to hit the pub.
Should probably sleep on the couch when I get home. You know minimize the apologies for tomorrow morning.


The beer is Ch'ti a Biere de garde by the Castelain Brewery. Its light and malty with a sweet Honeyed aftertaste. Goes down nicely with hints of citrus and plenty of follow-through at 6.4%

Makes a great barbecue pair during and as a follower, mixes well with Ice, Slices of Lime and the mixer Picon.

Probably should save the whiskey as a Chaser tho.

Thanks for poppin by and hope you enjoyed this as much as I did!


Perspective is everything.

A big cheers to @edprivat for nominating me for what I do best.

And of course thanks to @detlev for starting this!

All photos taken on my chinesium Xiaomi Mi 11 lite

That's day 6 now, I'm gonna just copy and paste the normal follow up. success or not I'm comfortably a bit tipsy.

I decided I'm going to have a bit of fun on this 30 posts in 30 days. I'm going to do a post 31, and a giveaway on the 31st post, cause some months have 31 days or so I've been told.

In spite of my rough and ready appearance I'm an Antique dealer don't ya know.

So it'll probably be old shit in your mailbox.

Stay tuned and engage down below . For every post from day 1 if you comment on it you will get one entry and a chance to win.

Then at the end of the 30 posts, on day 31 There will be a random raffle you will get a chance to win....

Really cool old shit.

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