Drink Like a Scotsman

While you probably think of Whiskey rather than beer when talking about Scotland. I did really like the beers served here. I'm currently in Edinburgh to enjoy the town and people. And what better place to do that than in this beautiful town!

After exploring town last week, we entered the local pub for some brewskis. I ordered one of the locals brews Edinburgh Black by a brewery called Stewart Brewing. Great entry for #beersaturday I think!

As the dark color might reveal, this beer is in the corner of stouts. I found it comparable to Guinness to be precise. Very refreshing after a long day of walking.

My girlfriend also joined in the fun with an Ale from Farm Brewery. Refreshing!

The place we visited for getting these beers is called Malt and Hops and is located in the Leith. The decor is typical publike and has some hops on the ceiling!

This was a nice first start to many more nice pubs and beers in this town! Stay tuned and cheers to you all!

P.S. If you are familiar with Edinburgh and surroundings and have some nice suggestions for beer (or perhaps Whiskey!), let me know! I'm here for a bit and will have time to explore!

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