HOPALAA - Cloud #11 Milkshake IPA. Let’s have some fun!

Well, this was a lot of fun. I noticed that the beer can had similar colors like my son’s toy rabbits. Now enjoy a nice photo session with the rabbits and the giant beer god!


When the rabbits came around, they saw the big strange object which intrigued them. It was strange looking building of a kind, so they were interested. Coming close they immediately felt it was going to be a great and tasty experience. They have never drunk beer, but their sixth sense told them it was worth trying.


In a second or two, a kind of a magic happened and some golden liquid squirted out of the “building” and poured into the glass. The rabbits have never seen such a nice looking liquid. It was golden-orange and very cloudy. And that smell! They could hardly stay calm. Citrus notes were flooding the air, so fresh and juicy…


One of the rabbits saw that the beer was the same color as his body was, so was the first of all to try the magical juice. Well, there weren’t no words to describe the experience. It’s partly because rabbits cannot speak at all, but really the beer was so fresh, that no words were needed to explain this perfection.


Bit by bit rabbits started to enjoy the liquid and they enjoyed a really beautiful afternoon. Soon the glass went empty, but there was not any beer left in the can. This is maybe the saddest part of the rabbits’ day. Not having any other choice, they left the empty glass and the empty beer can. A couple of weeks have passed from this extraordinary day and the rabbits keep on searching for another beer. Sadly, they did not find nothing at all.

If you upvote this post, another beer can will appear and they will be happy. Don’t be bad, make sure the rabbits will have another beer soon! I count on you!

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