Christmas spirit in a Guinness can. Let the holidays begin!

I know that in Ireland having a Guinness beer is like an everyday activity, but here in Bulgaria thisnis not the case. I remember back in the years when this beer started to appear in my country, my father used to buy occasionally mainly for the winter holidays, so I continue this sort of family tradition every year.

Christmas is less than 10 days way, so I decided to grab a can from the local store and enjoy it by the Christmas tree.

Out of all dark beers Guinness is the beer woth most pronounced character, partly because it doesn’t contain carbon dioxide for its fuzziness. Rather than, it uses nitrosurge balls that deliver the creaminess and smooth feeling in every home. You cannot go wrong with a Guinness!

After the quick set of photos in the cristmas tree it’s finally time to grab a glass and enjoy the dark knight. Is there a proper way to pour a Guinness? I think someone local, like @ablaze to tell us how we have to fill our glass properly.

I have seen several videos where people open the can, put the glass on top of it, upside down, and then flip this couple.

The beer starts to flow and fills the glass, while you pull tge can gradually out. This creates the brilliant looking creamy body of the Guinness beer.

Now its time to enjoy our drink. A big upside is when outside is cold and then you will find even more joy in the flavors of dark malts and coffee/chocolate. And this, in a body of extreme smoothness and creamy feeling.

And well, we are ready for the holidays! The spirit is here and the joy is boosting. We only need to finish the working season and start the holidays properly.

This will finish my post… see you very soon in another post. See ya and bye!

Cheers! 🍻

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