A Balkan Can for the Beersaturday! Well, that’s something special.


Yeah, it’s a Double Dry Hopped hazy IPA, but the artwork is really amazing and funny. There’s a recent tendency about using the Slavic and Balkan countries’ properties on the labels and beer cans are trying to become a form of art. The illustrations tend do become more and more abstract and artistic.


The girls, dancing Can-can and holding Kalashnikov guns tend to be very “typical” for Bulgarian reality. But I can assure you, that this can never be seen here. Yet, this art does not try to show the reality. It’s only purpose is to entertain the beer lover.


In the glass, the beer pours hazy golden, with a pretty solid white head. It does not dissolve easily and stays till the last sip. I love to see such a pale beer and it promises to be light and hoppy.


In the mouth, you can feel this is a pretty dry beer, a one that is of my preferences. I always like to drink a dry IPA, which focuses only on the hop qualities and aromas. This one, being a NEIPA is not very bitter, at about 10 IBUs, but aromatic hops are at huge amounts. Tropical fruits, floral notes, there is pronounced pine aroma too, from the simcoe hop variety. It is really one of my top 3 picks, which I would chose every single time, when I have the opportunity to choose one.


One other tip. Throw a fist of corn into the pot and make fresh popcorn. This always makes the beer a bit more tasty. I like when the working days end like this. So, now it’s Saturday, and it’s the perfect time for another beer.
Cheers and see you soon!

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