#Beersaturday Who does it Best, East or West?

What’s up beer lovers, it’s #beersaturday baby!!


And would you look at that, does it get any better than that? I reckon it does. Clear skies, with a 100% chance of haziness thanks to my good friends at Collosial Brewing
once again.

I first stumbled across them a few months ago, after discovering a West Coast IPA called Hopsmosphere. I did a full blown review on that beer, which turned out to be an absolute gem. You could imagine the excitement when I bumped into their East Coast cousin Mind Harvest earlier today. The real question is who does it best, east or west?



Aesthetic Appeal

In comparison to many of the other beers at the bottle shop, it’s fair to say that these two definitely stand out from the crowd. They possess and depict the visual ideology that these beers will give you an out of this world, out of the body and mind experience. To me that’s pretty enticing after a long week at work.

I think the visual images are outstanding on both their packaging, and sell a story to the consumer. The answer to my question earlier though, West does it best in terms of aesthetic appeal.

The vibrant orange colours, the dissected head and detailed solar system entangled within, the planets and stars in the background. It’s an absolutely unreal design, still yet to find a more aesthetically pleasing design in my opinion. Mind Harvest is pretty attractive too, unfortunately it’s Western cousin got the better genes.

Looks are Overated, how about their Personality?


Interestingly both beers claim to possess the same charismatic charm stating, Resistance is futile, feel the gravitational force pull you in and discover a new world of hops.

The difference between the two beers lie firstly within the aromas and the flavours they possess. Hopmosphere entangles apricot and lime with a malty character, whereas Mind Harvest opts for the flavours of mango and citrus and a delicate hazy finish.



Not gonna lie they both sound equally delicious. Also of note is the ABV% that each of these beers possess. 7% makes Hopmosphere the bigger, stronger, and better looking cousin, however once again Mind Harvest is hot on its cousins heels with a solid 6%. Once again, difficult to seperate the two.

Actions Speak Louder Than Words



On a scale of one to ten, how delicious do they look? The Hopmosphere is slightly darker in appearance as a result of the malty character it possesses, as opposed to the vibrant hazy character of the Mind Harvest. Both beers didn’t foam very much when poured, and the bubbles were voyaging to the surface as the sun glistened on them both.


The time to taste the Mind Harvest had finally arrived. And upon the first sip a little disappointment arose. Where in the world was the mango and citrus flavour that it had promised? I took another decent gulp, delicious.. hazy.. refreshing.. but still no sight of the flavour explosion I was expecting. After trying Hopmosphere weeks earlier, I was sure this beer would encompass a similar flavour explosion.. but sadly it wasn’t to be.

Don’t get me wrong, still a delicious, smooth, and refreshing beer. Trust me still enjoyed them thoroughly. I guess when you’ve experienced the real deal, the bar can be set a little too high.

In the battle of two titans, there can only be one winner. Only one can be the best, and today that’s the West.


Happy #beersaturday over and out ✌️

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