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Where Art Thou Beers?

We went out of the house yesterday when the sky showed signs that it was going to clear up. The husband wanted to buy something and he invited us to go along with him and have lunch outside too. While I was not really in the mood, I thought about grabbing a beer, so "Okay let's go!" said I. We bathed Anyeong impromptu, showered, and then drove away just around noonish time.

On the way out, we were thinking about going for a meal first. The challenge is that not many establishments around town are open on Sundays. Businesses here know how to honor the day and give their staff a proper rest on what most call a "family day" - that is because Sundays tend to be a day when families go out or simply have 'lazy days' in their homes.

I was thinking about the Casa (Double C) which had a good view of the mountains but it's an hour's drive away and the husband said he was already starving. We had no other option than the Café where we often go. And we were there just over a week ago. But it's the closest place we know that opens on a Sunday.

We had what they call Pic-A-Pic on the menu. A set consisting of the good ole clubhouse sandwich, Gimbap, Lumpiang Shanghai, fries, and some dumplings. The husband added a bowl of Ramyun. He was so hungry that he went ahead to eat while I attended to Anyeong, lol!

Then I asked about beers. The attendant said they weren't serving any. Ouch! A good glass of cold, sparkling beer would have been a perfect match for the dumplings. We got a pitcher of cucumber-flavored juice instead, haha!

"We will find something later and bring it home," the husband said as we ate. Anyhow, we stayed there for an hour or so, letting our little guy play then left for groceries and of course, beers!

Lucky for us, our favorite grocer was opened. However, they didn't have any alcoholic drinks. They didn't want to pay the "sin tax" (those are taxes for tobacco and alcohol products) and we understand because those types of taxes are quite exorbitant.

We moved to another store, a smaller one close to the private school. They didn't have any too which for us is weird. There isn't any other place we can think of. Most are closed. The husband thought of his friend's shop but when we arrived there, they didn't have any too. We stopped by every small store we saw along the way and found none.

Seriously? Our little guy was already getting bored in the back seat. He wanted to go home, lol!

We drove past the route home to another bigger shop by the church but it was closed. The next shop owner laughed at the husband saying, "Didn't you know nobody in town is selling any alcohol? We are in an election ban." Oh geez! So that is why! "Could you give us just 2 or 4 if you have any of the canned ones?" the farmboy asked. "I would love to but we don't have any. We do have Cali if you want," the store owner teased.

The local election is on the 30th and as usual, during such periods, no one is allowed to sell any alcoholic beverage or he will be slapped with a hefty penalty. I wondered how the bars in the town center were doing. I doubt that they would be asked to close. But they probably have curfew hours.

Anyhow, that's how the disappointing yet kinda fun hunt went. We went home with 4 cans of chilled, non-alcoholic pineapple-flavored drink. The closest thing we got that looked at least like that sparkly brown-golden-colored liquid called BEER, lol!

And yes, I did pop another can while in front of my PC just to quench my beer thirst!

Happy Monday, frens!

All photos are my own. 23102023/11:00ph