Saturday Beers with friends in Edinburgh - enjoying a nice lager from Stewarts Brewing

We had a couple of visitors through to stay with us this saturday, and we went out for a few beers in the afternoon, and then had a few more at home in the evening !


We went to St Bernards Bar, in Stock Bridge in Edinburgh, which is a lovely part of the city that has a nice hip and trendy village feel. Its one of my fav pubs here in the city as its quite quirky. The barman, Hugo, is great and makes you feel very much at home and provides fantastic service. Plus he has a record player on the bar and plays great vinyl all day long ! I've dropped a pin on pinmapple with the location of the pub.

In the pic above for our first round I had Stewarts Brewing lager (~4%) - its a brewery on the outskirts of Edinburgh. Its a little hoppy, but not too bad. My drinking partners had a Stewarts Brewing Pilsner (~5%, slightly strong tasting) - and then a grapefruit beer (I didnt catch the name). The latter beer was quite sweet - I liked it, but not enough to get one myself.


We stayed for 3 rounds before heading home. I stuck with the lager from Stewarts Brewing for all 3 - as it was quite nice and I didnt fancy anything heavier today.

As can be seen from the pic above the pub is full of an eclectic mix of decorations - its quite interesting !


After heading home - we had a few more. Above was a beer from Lidl (a supermarket chain), called Festbier. Its a German brewed beer in the theme of an oktoberfest beer. Contrary to how rubbish the can looks, it was quite nice and really mild for the strength (~5%).


We also had a few cans of St Mungo lager, from West brewing which is based close to the cathedral in Glasgow, hence the link to the saint so closely related to Glasgow. Its quite nice and is something I've had before.


West make some pretty nice beer - with this one following a german approach.


We also had a few Tennent's light (lager). Tennent's is probably the largest brewer in Scotland. To be honest Tennent's is not my favourite, but this light beer was passable.


And one of our friends also had this bottle of Ossian. A nice, but heavy, golden ale from the Inveralmond brewery.


And to top it all off, we also go one fruity cider. My daughter wanted to have a little drink with us - so we got her this. They are quite nice and refreshing, although very sweet.

So we had a great weekend. It was lovely to go to the pub and then have a few drinks back at home to watch the Wales Vs England rugby match, and then have a bite to eat. I really enjoyed the weekend and our beers.

From the ones above, I will probably have to pick the Stewart Brewing lager as my fav, followed closely and rather surprisingly by the Festbier from Lidl - it was quite nice !!! And I can see me buying a few more cans of it before their stock runs out (I think its one of their seasonal beers).

Anyway, I hope you all had a great weekend too - all the best from Scotland !!!!

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