Playing on the Hi-Wire


Sometimes in life it just seems you are walking along the Hi-Wire and any misstep or even a small breeze and down you go. In a forgotten time, somewhere in the distant past, everyday was another day on solid ground, no worries, just blissful routine and new dreams for even better days to come.

Can you believe that once upon a time I posted a blog everyday?

Posting was something I did before I left the office, an office that is now closed as it did not survive the pandemic. Perhaps it was not the office that did not survive but rather it was me who did not survive those dark days. A sudden realization that everyday would be a new day, a new challenge without any guarantees that tomorrow would be better.

Something deep in my heart just did not survive as world went absolutely crazy!

I do not trust many people anymore. I certainly do not trust any "experts" nor any "authority". The way most people fell in line and surrendered their own autonomy, their own liberty broke my heart.


What was worse, my family, friends and neighbors went stark raving MAD with fear! A fear of the unknown and the unseen.

I just do not trust people anymore.

This past week there was a funeral for an acquaintance of mine who demanded that everyone receive the VAX, even so far as suggesting forced vaccinations and quarantine camps.

Within in one year of receiving the new miracle vaccine that all the "experts" and those in "authority" declared was "safe" and "effective", he could no longer do his job do to his rapidly declining health. Within two years, of receiving his second shot, and multiple boosters he is dead.

I write this post, not with any intention of dividing between who was right or who was wrong, as I have lost friends and family, both the living and so sadly the dead, who simply placed their trust in the wrong people. I write to you my friends on #beersaturday to ask simply give pause and question everyone and everything you may have placed your trust in, for as I see it, if you can't trust yourself, who can you trust.

If it were in my power to declare it has all been a nightmare and that madness is now over, I would so do.

Unfortunately, we are along ways from the other side on this HI-Wire.

I steel myself for other sad days to come, and yet I remember that life is for the living.

Just occasionally we need to pause and take a deep breath, before we carry on, to remember our dead, to remember more pleasant times, and to keep the faith for better days to come.

On this #beersaturday I raise my glass to those we have lost, and simply call out "I shall see you on the other side".

For my days are not yet done, and I shall always remind anyone who cares to listen.

"You are a unique creation and your life is a gift."



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