In The Office


Life is funny how the hits just keep coming. For years, and I do mean years, I have dedicated my time, talents, and efforts to being a regular contributor on HIVE.

And yet, as of late, I have had little to say. Each day my writers block became more and more severe, to the point that this is my first post in two weeks.


Tonight, on #beersaturday, I am back In The Office with a beer called In The Office and typing away on HIVE. It figures that after years of diligent writing and posting that here and now at the possible end to a long CRYPTO WINTER, I got tired and weary.


That is today's chart of HIVE which is now trading at 42 cents on some nice increasing volume. I posted when HIVE traded at 12 cents and I posted when HIVE traded above $2. And yet, as of late I have been so very tired.


On the one hand, I cut myself some slack over these dark winter days, a great deal has happened to us all during these dark dark days.

We live in the days when doctors do more harm than good.

We live in the days when Governments wage war on their own people.

We live in the days of an Empire Falling.

We live in the days of revelations, where what was hidden shall been seen.

Have you seen enough?

What more do you need to see and hear to question your beliefs?

Was COVID a military grade psy-op or the modern day version of the Black Plague?

Did the "medical profession" help or hurt?

Have you lost family or friends, gone but not forgotten?

Do you really want to own nothing, eat bugs and be "happy"?

I figure, that at the core of it all, people who work for crypto currency, know deep in their hearts that a change is coming. A change of the old ways that are drawing to an end and a dawning of the new ways.

Before I finish my little time in the office, in these past dark days which I must hope are coming to an end, I want to give a special shout out to my neighbors to the North.

In my darkest hours of despair, when there seemed no hope. As my business failed, due to the LOCKDOWNS, as even any gainful hope of employment left me because I made a choice not to receive the juice, a spark of FREEDOM and of PEACE was lit in the most unlikely places.

The heavy hand of the tyrant fell hard upon them, and yet they stood in Truth and in Peace.

In the hard days to come, I hope and pray that we can all . . .


Forever in my heart, the Canadian Truckers will and shall ever be the Hobbits of my days! God Bless the Shire of the North!

We are in for it now, but nonetheless let us strive to walk forward into the dawn with love and peace in our hearts. Let us leave the bad behind and cling to the good with all of our might. Above all let us get back In The Office, get back to work and let us bring as many souls as we can into the Light!


BEER NAME: In The Office
ABV: 7%
BREWER: Brick Tree Brewing of Lincolnton, North Carolina
APPEARANCE: deep gold, cloudy and pours with a foamy head
AROMA: hops and citrus
TASTE: hops are well balanced with citrus and malts, nice finish with hops lingering
MOUTHFEEL: medium body, carbonates well

See y'all next #beersaturday, and hopefully before!

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