Reblog lottery // Beer Taste, Orla

Todays brew

I have the pleasure of enjoying a classic beer called Orla.

It has a golden, amber-like colour and a good, round taste. This is a beer I can see myself drinking on occasions.

It almost has a fruity freshness about it going on, and my tastebuds are thanking me for this decision.

Fresh, delightful and inviting to pour up some in my beer mug 🍺

If you ever get the chance, then I recommend you to taste this #beer.

I'd even sell and ship it to you if you can't buy it locally 😂

Also, I apologise for the short post. Other beers has taken over from Orla 🤪

Reblog lottery

How does the reblog lottery work??

  • Reblog the post
  • Comment with the word "REBLOGGED" (does not have to be capital letters)
  • Your comment may contain more than just this one word, but this word is required

Reblog the post before: Monday, April 29th @ 1pm UTC

Winner will be 20% beneficiary to the next post (not Actifit, if any are posted) and the chance to win cool $HIVE too.
For each ten (10) reblog, there will be added 2 HSBI to the winner.

Last rounds result

Winner has been selected using this tool

This time i do not have the luxury of checking reblog with comments, so I'm going to trust the comments.
@sylmarill @henruc @stekene @servelle @nabbas0786 @lourica @pero82 @nahueldare3627 @ladymisa @olaf.gui

And the winner:


Congratulations, please enjoy your 20% profit share on this post and 2 HSBI. Read more about HSBI here

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