Jack & Beer // Reblog lottery

This round of beer taste was a special brew by Danish brewery, Thisted Bryghus.

Beer with American Whiskey withan alcohol percent of 8% vol.

This brew is enjoyed with a good friend of mine and we both agree on most aspects of this Jack & Beer 🍻


The looks of this bottle, and the etiquette is very appealing to me and so is the color of the beer.

Seeing the beer after it was poured in the cup made us both eager to taste, so obviously we do one more right away.


A sharp, bitter taste hit my tongue. With the mix, I would say this is expected and actually not as bad as it sound.

The bitterness disappeared and a more well-rounded (yet still sharp) taste is left. A very special aftertaste.
One more.

Knowing exactly what to expect from a zip, 2nd zip is less bitter.
The taste basically calls for a good steak, sort of like some people feel about red wine.

Unfortunately there was not enough in the bottle to keep around for dinner time as we only bought 1. And it didn't take very long for the beer to be finished.

After the first few zips it was already half empty.


If you want a beer to enjoy, just to enjoy a beer, i would not recommend Jack & Beer. For that purpose, I would go with the beer you see here.

However, if you want a beer to enjoy with a good steak, this is a good call for and then I would definitely recommend it!

Reblog lottery

How does the reblog lottery work??

  • Reblog the post
  • Comment with the word "REBLOGGED" (does not have to be capital letters)
  • Your comment may contain more than just this one word, but this word is required

Reblog the post before: Monday, May 20th @ 3pm UTC

Winner will be 20% beneficiary to the next lottery post and the chance to win cool $HIVE too.
For each ten (10) reblog, there will be added 2 HSBI to the winner.

Last rounds result

Winner has been selected using this tool

After having compared comments with reblogs, the participants for this round are:
@daddydog @henruc @hiveborgminer @kungfukid @ladymisa @lorylol @lourica @nabbas0786 @olaf.gui @stekene

Reblog, no (correct) comment:
@cribbio @esbat @gasaeightyfive @marcocasario

Correct comment, no reblog:

And the winner:


Congratulations, please enjoy your 20% profit share on this post and 2 HSBI. Read more about HSBI here

Winning again even before you have the rewards from the last time you won 😆

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