Random birthday beers!

This week I entered the last year of my 30's. So to celebrate (or commiserate) I got a bit of a random selection of beers, which, I'm sure many of you will agree, is more exciting than a cake or a box of chocolates. The only downside is that you can't stick a candle in a beer. Well... you probably could float one. Maybe next year I'll have a bathtub full of beer with 40 candles floating in it and a giant straw. Definitely should have stopped breastfeeding by then (setting a reminder). And I will definitely post pictures if that ever happens.
So without further ado adew a dooo (how do you spell that???) In 3rd place - this is a little number from Lidl. Beer from the North of France.


These were on special offer. I don't normally buy these small ones but they didn't have bigger. I remember reading a post on here recently, I'm really very sorry I can't remember by who, about the lack of point in these little 250ml bottles. I agree, although they are good for someone who is driving maybe? Anyway.


7% ABV. Nice fluffy head on this one, moderate carbonation, colour like coca cola. Smell - fresh, malty, hoppy. First taste sensation - sweet but not overly, then you feel the malt, and almost a slight caramel tone. And yet very refreshing.

Next, in 2nd place, a cute bottle I bought from the beer guy on the market. Chapellane, 6.5% ABV.



Local stuff. I must admit, I picked it because of the cute label! Nice artwork, don't you think? And I wasn't disappointed on the beer neither. Smell - yeast and hops, colour- straw, taste - light bodied, spritzy, gently yeastiness and overall warm mouthfeel.

And in my personal biased 1st place - Le Baguette! Could it be any more French?


Notice the toaster in the background...
Any guesses why it's called Le Baguette and has bread on the label? Brewed with bread of course. They use actual unsold leftover baguettes to make this magic potion! And you can taste it. Tastes yeasty, and like toast or fresh bread crust, deliciously refreshing blond beer. The head was a bit flat and the carbonation was nicely light. Very moreish and at 5.6% ABV it's not too strong and I would happily have had a few more.

Overall I'm happy with all three - all very different and interesting.
Happy #beersaturday peeps!

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