Rye River Coastal IPA for Beer Saturday

Rye River Again

I picked up some Rye River beers recently and did my weekly beer post on one of them last week and now I am back with another Rye River IPA to share with you beer loving gentlemen and ladies from around the globe. I mean who doesn't enjoy a cold refreshing IPA? Well mostly everybody who spends any time in this community does, that's for sure. It's always cool to see what beers are shared from around the world and with the explosion in popularity of IPAs and Craft beers, there are tens of thousands of different beers now from around the world, which is pretty cool.

Introducing Rye River Coastal IPA


As you can see this one pours a nice appealing golden colour. There is a distinctive note of citrus and pine emanating from this beer when you open the can. The taste and mouthfeel do not disappoint either, with tropical flavours to the fore and enough hoppiness to keep this hop lover happy.

Whenever I head away someplace on holidays these days, I like to try out the different IPAs on offer. I must say that Ireland packs a punch and delivers when it comes to IPAs in comparison to Spain, Portugal, Italy, but Australia and USA are well ahead and would be among the best IPA Beer destinations in my opinion.

Can Art

The can art works well for me and is built upon the black can that the brewery opts for. I don't think it would look as well against a standard silver coloured can, but against the black can it most certainly works in my opinion.




Join Us

Thanks to @detlev for this ongoing and excellent contest for beer lovers around the world. Why not join yourself? Just tell a story about beer with a few photos or drink a beer and tell us about it.


Sláinte wherever you find yourself, take it handy, and if ya get it, take it twice!


See ye all next week for another beer of some description.

*The photos used throughout this post are all my own taken on my Samsung smart phone*

Sláinte and Peace out.

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