Cruzcampo Beer for Beer Saturday

Beer Saturday

There is nothing quite like an ice cold beer in the sunshine and the sun was well and truely out for our recent trip to Spain. We were treated to loads of days of glorious sunshine.

Home - Irish Summer


Away - Spanish Summer


Ok, let's not dwell on the rain 😑😒

Instead let's wax lyrical about some beers I enjoyed in Spain before we arrived home. Allow me to close my eyes now and think back to sunny skies and ice cold beers.....

Here are some photos of our local Spanish beer which was Cruzcampo. I ordered a pint and herself ordered a half and as you can see she got the better deal as her half looked bigger than a half and my pint looked less than a pint. Not to worry though, the beer was cold and hit the spot.




Joke Time

Ok, time for a joke, as I have been throwing a joke in for the past few weeks for the shits and giggles, so here we go again.

Two elephants walk off a cliff

Boom Boom

What do you call an Irish fella trying to break up a fight?

Liam Malone.

What do you call an Irish man up on a ceiling?

Seán De Laor

Hopefully you're having a great Beer Saturday wherever you are.

Enjoy the beer and the good company you're hopefully.

The Grade


Not the greatest beer by any means, but it was nice and cold and certainly quenched my thirst on a sunny day in Spain, so job done.

Thanks to @detlev for this ongoing and excellent contest for beer lovers around the world. Why not join yourself? Just tell a story about beer with a few photos or drink a beer and tell us about it.

The photos used throughout this post are all my own taken on my Samsung smart phone

Sláinte and Peace out.

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