Charity Gig, Friends, Family and pints of Guinness

Charity Gig

It's been a nice quiet Christmas for us. We didn't get up to too much really. We booked a baby sitter last night to go and support the Gala charity concert that my brother-in-law was organizing and which was actually really really good.

We caught up with friends and family that we hadn't seen in a while which is always nice.

The gig itself was excellent with lots of different musicians taking part throughout the night. This is my brother in law finishing out the night in St. Nicholas's church. The 700 year old church in the heart of Galway City has fantastic accoustics and opened it's doors to concerts a few years ago.


A few pints

After the concert, a few of us decided to head next door to The Dew Drop Inn for a few pints of Guinness. They do a mighty pint of Guinness there to be fair and it did not disappoint.

There was plenty of banter as we took over the back of the pub, with a crowd of around 25 people.


Great Memorabilia

We stayed in the Dew Drop till it closed at 12:30 and then a few of us ventured onto the front door which was great craic as well.

I spotted this cool memorabilia when I was in the front door. My home County Galway famously won the All-Ireland hurling final in 2017 for the first time in 39 years and these are the boots and the Hurley and the Jersey and the sliothar used by Joe canning and team that day.



Join Us

Thanks to @detlev for this ongoing and excellent contest for beer lovers around the world. Why not join yourself? Just tell a story about beer with a few photos or drink a beer and tell us about it.


Sláinte wherever you find yourself, take it handy, and if ya get it, take it twice!


*The photos used throughout this post are all my own taken on my Samsung smart phone*

Sláinte and Peace out.

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