Catsnaps for Caturday - Just Another Day - by Sunscape


Yup, it's just another lazy day for my cat Chej'u. Most of her day is spent lying on my bed with the sunlight shining through the window. Ever since we got our puppy a year and a half ago, she has sequestered herself to the upper floor of our home, mainly my bedroom.


There really aren't very many cute photos of her now that she has become a lazy cat. Mostly, I capture her taking her daily bath. It takes her forever to get through one of her self-grooming sessions with all that long hair.

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I often wonder if a cat's tongue ever gets tired with all that licking going on.


The only thing I wish she would do is chew her nails back some. But, she never seems to do that like some of my other cats did. So, when she is calm at night after I brush her I can sometimes clip 2 or three nails before she decides to attack me. She is obviously not a fan of nail clipping, but I manage to get a few of the back ones done each week. Getting the front paws clipped is another story, she tends to bite at me when I try to get at them.


Well, just like that today's post is done and now she sits with her paws crossed with one of her famous leave me alone looks. Happy #caturday to all.

Until next time, this is Sunscape
Sun. Scape. Ing Your Day

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