Simba update: out of jail


I was supposed to take Simba back for follow-up x-rays four weeks after his surgery but I had too many things going on that week so he went in on Wednesday. I was feeling some trepidation about it because he has been very active and the vet had laid it on thick that if the cage rest wasn't done correctly, he wouldn't heal. On Wednesday she was all smiles though, his leg is already fully healed. Apparently, cats at Simba's age can heal within four weeks and the redneck cat hotel treatment was effective and he was officially free to continue his cat life, a week earlier than I'd expected.

She showed me the x-rays taken just after the hardware was installed and compared them to now: he had some ugly cracks in the bone and gaps where the surfaces were joined but that's all gone now. I couldn't get pictures of his x-rays but this is what was used to join his fracture: it's called a String of Pearls and it's adjustable and held in place with six bone screws in his case.

string of pearls.jpg

It will remain in his leg for life, unless it starts bothering him. He still limps a little but is able to be a normal kitten again and he's really loving it!


Kitten zoomies in progress.

He still has to outgrow the weird haircut look


The canvas roof of the redneck cat hotel is a perfect wrestling ring to have fun with his brother Batman.


The diarrhoea that he had has resolved since I changed his diet to one for sensitive stomachs so he probably has a lingering sensitivity from the infection and painkillers that he was on, but I expect him to outgrow it.

When Simba had his accident, I told his owner that I didn't think he could come back to him since his own mother had been the cause of the fracture and he agreed with me. My neighbour's teenage son Simon regularly went to see and play with the kittens after they were born and always wanted Simba but his mother said no because they can't afford his upkeep. I made an agreement with them that Simba can stay with Simon and I will cover his expenses. Simon has been helpful with feeding all of my cats when I'm at work and really wants Simba. This means that he'll still be around and very much a part of my household but he also gets his very own human slave instead of having to compete with my cats. He's a very people-centred little guy and I think that it's a good arrangement for all. I will arrange for Simba to be neutered and vaccinated some time soon.

Hopefully there will be a little peace for a while. I'm really grateful to everyone who contributed to help me cover the costs of this. As we say in my country: Aluta continua!

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