Lazy day

First Caturday in March.

When it is grey and gloomy outside, the best a cat can do is to take well deserved nap.

The close-up of my elder cat Furry shows the sweetest pink nose.


Her paw in front covering the eyes, makes her look very cute.


The olded she gets, the more she sleeps, but that's expected. The problem with Furry is that she is becoming huge and obese. I know I have to be more persisting to make her play and be more active. My other two cats are nowhere near her weight. They are much more active and they play together, while Furry is unsociable and she doesn't like them at all. She hates the youngest cat, George. That is what it seems. Whenever he manages to sneak into her room, then the hell breaks loose. So, Furry is living separately and the only interaction she has with other two cats is on the terrace behind the net that divides it. George is very talkative and he always is talking to Furry when they are outside. Furry could not care less. She can stare at him from a distance, knowing she is safe.

Let's see if the video I took recently will upload. Hope it will work as it is the first time I am using that feature.

Nope, I messed it up. So, let's start again.

Nope, nope, nope. I can't upload the video and after several attempts I give up.

I caught Furry eating without even getting up. No, it is not how she eats usually, but shows how lazy she can be.

And that is all for now. Hope you all have very nice Caturday.

Thank you for viewing.

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