Adoptamos una nueva gatita 馃悎鈥嶁瑳 // We adopted a new kitten 馃悎鈥嶁瑳 [esp/eng]

Feliz a帽o nuevo 2024 queridos amigos amantes de esos seres maravillosos como lo son los gatitos en especial los de Caturday! 馃グ馃悎鈥嶁瑳馃悎馃帀

hoy les quiero hacer la presentaci贸n oficial de un miembro m谩s de mi familia, se trata de una gatita amarilla de aproximadamente 6 meses de edad (nose en realidad cuanto tiempo exacto tiene), mi hija la consigui贸 en la calle hambrienta y sin dudarlo la trajo a casa.

Al llegar me pregunt贸 si pod铆amos qued谩rnosla y al ver esa carita tan tierna le dije que estaba bien pero que si no pod铆amos mantenerla, deb铆amos buscarle un hogar, para suerte de esta peque帽a traviesa mi hija consigui贸 empleo esos d铆as que la trajo y dijo que ella se encargar铆a de su alimento.

Happy New Year 2024 dear friends who love those wonderful beings such as kittens, especially Caturday kittens!

Today I want to make the official presentation of one more member of my family, it is a yellow kitten approximately 6 months old (I don't really know how old she is exactly), my daughter found her on the street hungry and without hesitation brought her to home.

When we arrived she asked me if we could keep her and seeing that cute little face I told her that it was fine but if we couldn't keep her, we had to find a home for her, luckily for this naughty little girl my daughter got a job those days she brought her and she said that she would take care of their food.




Esta gatita es muy juguetona, le da demasiada hambre 馃槀, es muy larga y delgada y su colita me sorprende por lo larga que es, yo pensaba que la colita de mi gato negro era larga pero la de ella es mucho m谩s larga

This kitten is very playful, she gets too hungry 馃槀, she is very long and thin and her tail surprises me because of how long it is, I thought my black cat's tail was long but hers is much longer




Ah pero aparte de la gatita seguimos disfrutando de la tierna compa帽铆a del gato que se adopt贸 en mi hogar, a este le pusimos por nombre Copito y es muy consentido.

脡l 煤nico detalle que no me gusta de Copito es que quiere pelear con negro y tesoro, todo va tranquilo hasta el momento que 茅l comienza a rugirles, me da mucha tristeza, pero en ese momento le cierro la puerta de la casa para que se aleje.

Hace unos d铆as tuvo una fuerte pelea con mi negro y como mi gato no sabe mucho pelear, lo maltrat贸 much铆simo, as铆 que trato de mantenerlo un poco a distancia, pero es sorprendente como este gatito insiste en quedarse en casa, supongo que de donde es, no lo tratan con cari帽o como nosotros lo tratamos aqu铆 馃槉

Oh, but apart from the kitten, we continue to enjoy the tender company of the cat that was adopted into my home. We named this one Copito and he is very spoiled.

The only detail that I don't like about Copito is that he wants to fight with black and treasure, everything goes calmly until the moment he starts to roar at them, it makes me very sad, but at that moment I close the door of the house so that he can go away .

A few days ago he had a big fight with my black guy and since my cat doesn't know how to fight much, he mistreated him a lot, so I try to keep him at a distance, but it's surprising how this kitten insists on staying home, I guess where he's from , they don't treat him with love like we treat him here 馃槉




Para despedirme en este s谩bado de Caturday quiero mostrarles el hermoso obsequio de Navidad que recibi贸 mi hija menor, un hermoso gato de peluche

To say goodbye on this Caturday Saturday I want to show you the beautiful Christmas gift that my youngest daughter received, a beautiful stuffed cat





las fotos aqu铆 compartidas son de mi propiedad tomadas con mi tel茅fono iPhone 11

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