Yin, Trying Out Your New Catnip Catnip! 馃樅馃尶馃樃 / Yin, Probando su nueva hierba gatera catnip! 馃樅馃尶馃樃

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///// Content in English /////

Hello to all feline friends, My name is Yin, although it is also spelled Ying. My human mother sometimes gets confused. Today I'm sharing with you my experience with a certain Herba catuna that my mother gave me because she was so adorable.


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I noticed that my human mother was excited to show me something. I was kind of curious about her because I didn't know where she had been and I missed her. Lugo saw that he took out a kind of package and placed something spherical on one of the legs of the furniture where I sometimes sharpen my beautiful nails. How dare he invade my scratching post without my permission?

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I was curious because I had put that there, but suddenly a very pleasant smell caught my attention and I couldn't help licking and rubbing my little face on that strange somewhat minty sphere.


My mom says it's a catweed ball, she says it will help me de-stress. I had no idea that existed; Besides, I didn't like it very much. I only wore it that same day you brought it in. It doesn't even smell like anything anymore and it's boring. The good thing is that my mom got it a better function instead of leaving it stuck there in my scratching post. It's a good ball to play now, I just don't know where I left it now. I'm sure my mom will get it like my other toys.


Thanks for stopping by, I send you a furry hug

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///// Content in Espa帽ol /////

Hola a todos los amigos felinos, Mi nombre es Yin, aunque tambi茅n se escribe Ying. Mi madre humana a veces se confunde. Hoy les comparto mi experiencia con una tal Hierva gatuna que mi madre me regalo por ser tan adorable.


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Note que mi madre humana estaba emocionada por mostrarme algo. Yo algo curioso me acerco a ella porque no sab铆a d贸nde hab铆a estado y la extra帽aba. Lugo vi que sacaba una especie de paquete y colocaba algo esf茅rico en una de las patas del mueble donde suelo a veces afilar mis lindas unas. 驴Como se atreve a invadir mi rascador sin mi permiso?

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Me dio curiosidad porque hab铆a colocado eso ah铆, pero de pronto un olor muy agradable me llamo la atenci贸n y no pude contenerme en lamer y restregar mi carita en esa extra帽a esfera algo mentolada.


Mi madre dice que es una pelota de Hierva gatera, dice que me ayudara a desestresarme. Yo ni idea de que existiera eso; Adem谩s tampoco es que me gustara mucho. Solo la use ese mismo d铆a en que la trajo. Ya ni huele a nada y es aburrido. Lo bueno es que mi madre le consigui贸 una mejor funci贸n en vez de dejarla ah铆 pegada en mi rascador. Es ahora una buena pelota para jugar, solo que ahora no s茅 d贸nde la deje. De seguro mi mama la conseguir谩 como mis otros juguetes.


Gracias por pasarse por aqu铆, les mando un abrazo peludo

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