(ESP-ENG) Mi gatito sabe usar la computadora / My kitty knows how to use the computer

Anoche mi gatito Ying me hizo pasar un susto jaja. Mi hermano había dejado su computador en el mueble de la sala mientras salía a buscar algo, yo por mi parte estaba dibujando tranquilamente.

Last night my kitty Ying gave me a scare haha. My brother had left his computer on the living room furniture while he went out to look for something, I for my part was quietly drawing.

La luz de la sala estaba apagada y la computadora estaba con la pantalla encendida. Repentinamente vi que la luz de la computadora cambiaba y que se abrían carpetas. Yo desde mi cuarto pude notar eso y me asusté porque sabía que mi hermano no estaba.

The light in the living room was off and the computer was with the screen on. Suddenly I saw the light on the computer change and folders open. From my room I could notice that and I was scared because I knew that my brother was not there.

Me levanté y me fui acercando poco a poco para saber que pasaba, para mí sorpresa me di cuenta de que era mi gato que se había acostado cerca de la computadora y con sus patitas oprimía los botones del ratón jajaja fue muy gracioso verlo hacer eso y más porque se le quedaba mirando a la pantalla mientras se abrían las carpetas. Después de que le tomé las fotos el muy gracioso quería jugar y me puse a jugar con el.

I got up and got closer little by little to find out what was happening, to my surprise I realized that it was my cat who had laid down near the computer and pressed the mouse buttons with his paws hahaha it was very funny to see him do that and more because he was staring at the screen while the folders were opened. After I took the photos, the very funny guy wanted to play and I started playing with him.