Another Day With Minggay


Saw her loafing amidst the vegetation as if she is half-sleep or just pretending to be sleeping. Then something caught her attention and she opened her eyes with her ears moving and trying to catch the origin of the sound that distracted her.


Then she gently lift her body off the ground and still have the attentive looks of probing something at the surroundings.


Then she disappeared at the undergrowth and I thought she went home but found her on the moringa tree and she looks frustrated.

Might be a bird or an insect that she is trying to capture escaped and moved somewhere else to avoid her razor sharp claws.

But it's alright if a bird escaped from her because for sure she will devour it to become her late breakfast. Cats, though they are already domesticated still have such predatory instincts and can prey on any animal that is under their food chain.

After she climbed the tree she return to where she is resting then once again loafed on the ground and groomed herself. I watched her while cleaning her orange fur with her tongue then she gave me a cute grin showing her tongue. What a cute tabby cat is this!

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