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Soy-soy the blue eyed Cat

First time to post in this community, hello everyone ~

I am very glad to know that there's a community for our superior cats.

I always thought of cats as supreme beings, every time they walk pass you they're like "make way and bow down hooman" and then judge you by its stare hahaha
Don't you agree? Anyways,

This cute Lil fella is named soy-soy, when he was younger he has this beautiful blue eyes

when he grew up, the beautiful color blue eye faded away, and it has been replaced by pretty grey eyes,

what I find cute about him is that every time I come home from school he immediately jumps in my bed and lay like this, i guess it must be his way of telling me "this is my space now" very cute ~

and then he proceeds to be more cuter like this, though he seems sad in the picture but he did sleep after,

anyways, that's all for my caturday

Good day everyone ❤️