Curator Cat on Caturday: Sunshine, Cats and Open Windows!

Greetings, Fabulous Felines and Hoomans of Hivelandia and surrounding communities! I hope the weekend is treating you well, so far!

Love that morning sun!

Sunny Days, at Last!

It is being a very happy week, so far, because the promise of warmer days and sunshine has actually held true!

Instead of the grimy cold gray days that just didn't seem to end," we finally have some sunny spring weather! And there are perfect sunpuddles for catnaps, all around the house!


What's more, the temperatures have risen enough that the Hoomans have actually been able to open the windows and let some fresh air in, during the day!

I love sitting by the screen door, sniffing the fresh air. And it's really nice to finally get all that stuffy "winterness" out of the house!


Smudge is really happy about the sun and warmth, too... her old bones don't care much for the cold season.

She has also — pretty much — gotten over her recent haircut; some long-haired cats just keep growing their fur, and if they're not out in nature where they can rub the excess off on trees and branches, they become true "furballs!"

Parading around on our upper deck!

Outdoor Season!

Now that it is getting nicer, the Hoomans will be putting their outdoor furniture back out on our upstairs deck for the summer.

That also means I will soon get to go outside when they are up there! The picture above is from a couple of years back, though.

Maybe the Dad-Hooman will finally get around to building me an outside "Kitty Condo!"

Feels so good on my belly!

Yes, we're indoor cats... mostly for safety reasons.

We have a lot of predators in our area: Coyotes, Bobcats, Mountain Lions, Eagles and more... and it's just not safe for a pampered housecat to be out in the open.

Our poor neighbor lost two of her three beloved kitties after moving here from a more urban area.


Anyway, I persuaded the Dad-Hooman to stay inside for long enough that we could make a Caturday post... but he's very ready to head outside into their "garden."

And that's really OK, because I have some sunny naps I need to catch up with!

Thanks for stopping in to visit, and I wish you a lovely remainder of your Caturday!



Love Cats? Get Involved in Hive's Cat Communties!

If you're a cat lover and often/sometimes post pictures or other content that includes your feline friends, why not become an active part of Hive's growing Cat Communities?

These are some of the more active Cat Communities — why not join them ALL? Many of the allow you to share your cat posts, even if you started at a different community!

HiveCats by @curatorcat is a central "gathering place" for cat content on Hive; promoting the use of the #hivecats tag for feline content!

Cat Snaps by @manorvillemike is a place to post pictures of your cats when you don't have a whole lot to say beyond just sharing your cute photos!

Caturday by @saboin is a community where we get to celebrate posts relating to Saturday — aka "Caturday" — our own special day!

Cat Photos by @andrarchy is a "mixed use" cat content community; posts can be just photos or longer, as long as the subject is CATS!

Cats by @captainklaus (and Sissi!) is another "general" cat content community.

There are a number of other feline communities listed on Hive, but I am not sharing them for now as they have not had any activity (by their Admins OR users) since the Steem/Hive fork. Updates as they become available!

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