Fixing a rack

I started working on fixing some things in my kitchen today ,
Turns out that i have been procrastinating doing these things for a very long time now,
Theres actually no reason why i havent tried doing it since after all this month's, but i just felt lazy and unbothered some how,
Today i took my time to get solutions to one of the very problems that have been bothering me there in my kitchen too ,

It has to do with the plate rack.
Were i usually keep plates and spoons,
I noticed it was always giving me issues especially when i finish washing and water somehow drips from the washed plates and settles around the stand,

Somehow it keeps making these plates moisty and unclean even after all the washing and arranging.

So i decided to find solution for it by getting another plate stand that can easily stand high.
Has some openings,
And can be easily carried .
Unlike the first one i had, it was just heavy and clogged .
I cant easily carry it unless i get to remove all the plates from it ..
Well this pictures just shows how the plates were able to stand and arranged on my new plate rack ,
And for real , this has been the best i could come up with.

And now that i can easily access even under the plate rack ,is very much ok for me and it helps me easily clean and arrange it well anyhow i want it ..

Atleast for now, after such long months of procastinating,
I am now able to archive fixing the rack ..
Next thing i have in mind is fixing wall tiles and painting some part of the kitchen too ..
But for now i can say , I'm really satisfied with this little job Weldon that i carried out too🤭🤭

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