Story time: A ghostly night

There was a ghost in our midst. I wasn't the only one that spotted it. The others did too. It hovered around silently, secretly. The white sheet was obvious but no one dared to look at the cut out circles where the eyes are supposed to be. I sheepishly stepped away. I hid behind the flowers, waiting for the right moment. Then quietly, I picked up my phone to take a photo. Click!

A second thereafter, the ghost disappeared.

The white sheet was gone. Maybe it was now camouflaged like “the invisible man”. No one saw it move but for sure everyone still felt its presence. No one dared to voice what they were thinking. Suddenly, the atmosphere became eerie.

Earlier, whilst decorating for the halloween party - it was very exciting. The theme began to unfold as the purple lighting casted a mystical hue in the room.

The orange pumpkins and blooms

brought the halloween theme to life.

It was very enchanting but that was before it became dark. Then the witches and warlocks flew in. Some hung mostly around the “spirits” and drinks.

Others stood boldly on tables to make their presence known.

Having forgetten his cauldron, a dark warlock guarded the cupcakes.

Soon the Halloween revellers began to arrive. Although their costumes disguised them - they tried to hide their faces. Nevertheless, the orange hair stood out

as well as this hooded crew.

The cute doll with the purple headed magic wand, swooned over everyone who stopped by for sweets.

She hoped they would let down their guard and reveal their true identities. That did not happen. The nearby pumpkin lit up with laughter. He laughed so hard - light streamed from all its orifices.

Everyone was drawn by the magical powers of the room with the purple hue; it thudded with music, chatter and laughter. Bodies gyrated as if bewitched by the rhythm. The dancers seemed to be in a trance. The warlocks and witches looked on in delight.

Around midnight, the doorbell chimed. It was assumed that it was throng of trick or treaters. Outside was totally chaotic with masked beings running around. When the door was opened only a white sheet floated in. The group with the “butterfly” giggled ghoulishly. A friend of theirs said he would “gate-crash” the party - disguised as a ghost in a white sheet. They looked closely to recognise him - everything seemed hazy.

When they tried to hug him - the sheet disappeared. They went screaming to the dance floor but blended in nicely with the dancers who “screamed and shouted to let it all out”. The air felt cold and the tone of the room changed momentarily.

After dancing, their powers depleted - they needed to recharge. First to vanish was the gooey stinky cheese - no chance to “capture” it. The pizzas with the secret bubbly toppings were a hit.

However, the orange food was by far the favorite.

After being satiated, the dancing and singing continued deep into the night. Everyone was having a good time. Soon word got out about the missing Ghost that kept randomly appearing. By the time everyone had heard, some were "scared shirtless" whilst others were preparing to “Roast" their American/Dutch hostess.” Chinese whispers can be blamed for that or being under the influence. No one volunteered to search for the fiend, instead they huddled together on the dance floor as they swayed in unison to song after song.

As the party came to an end and the crowd began to disperse, an illuminated ghost was seen levitating. It appeared to be smiling at everyone.

Some guests thought they were seeing “things” others shrieked as they departed.

However, "all’s well that ends well"as a good time was had by everyone. This is a halloween party that will be talked about for a long time.

All photos are my own

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