Revving Up for Adventure: Tuning and Preparing Your Motorcycle for Long Journeys

Hello Hiver friends. I hope everyone is enjoying their life to the fullest. It's been quite a while since I've been planning a long motorcycle trip. I need to go to my village where the crops are being harvested, and I have to supervise the process. When going on such long journeys, the enjoyment diminishes if your bike isn't comfortable or in good condition. Let me tell you that I've always enjoyed traveling on bikes from the very beginning. At my home, there are 70cc and 125cc bikes available, but I prefer my very first bike, the Dhoom 70cc, for traveling.

However, the issue is that my bike has been parked at home for quite some time, and it needed some maintenance. So, I thought I'd take it to a mechanic's garage today and get it fixed.

Just to give you an idea, my village is about 150 km away from my home. I went to the nearest market and bought engine oil, a mobile oil filter, and an air filter. After that, I headed to the mechanic shop. My regular mechanic was out of town for some work, but his assistant was there. Surprisingly, he was not more than 18 years old.

Anyway, I thought I'd get the job done by him this time. First, he changed the mobile oil and tuned the engine, which took him quite some time. I arrived at the garage around 1 PM.

I parked my bike outside and observed people passing by on the street. Everyone seemed busy with their tasks. After that, he changed the air filter. I felt quite embarrassed when I saw the condition of the air filter. It had been due for a replacement for quite some time.

Then, he inspected the brakes. From his assessment, it was evident that the brake pads needed to be replaced. Long travels can become troublesome if your brakes aren't in proper condition. So, he replaced the brake pads. After that, he checked the electric wiring because I had noticed some issues with the indicators. Sometimes they were working fine, and sometimes not. However, when he opened it up, there wasn't a major issue, just a loose connection that needed fixing. Then, he cleaned the speedometer. After that, my bike was feeling much better. He tightened the remaining nuts, bolts, and the handle. Meanwhile, I was also cleaning the bike. Now I was very excited that I could go on a trip with this bike tomorrow. I was feeling adventurous inside because the route of travel is very beautiful. I will definitely make a post about it. After all the work was done, I asked him about the maintenance charges, and I was quite surprised when I heard the amount. It was very economical . The brake pad for 260 PKR, air filter for 160 PKR, labor charges for 300 PKR, and the mobile oil for 560 PKR – those are quite reasonable prices. That's approximately 1300 PKR, which is around 5 dollars.
After paying, I headed home because I needed to pack for tomorrow's travel. I hope you liked this little post. I'll share the complete travel experience in the next post. Until then, take care. Thank you for reading the post.

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