My 2024 bullet journal


As I'm learning to organize and write down tasks again, I realized that I need a fully customized bullet journal that works for me. The planner that I was planning on using is something that doesn't work for me since I didn't know that I would prefer a weekly layout instead of the monthly one and that planner didn't have a lot of pages for me to make those myself for the whole year.

Luckily, I got extra notebooks for different purposes. :D


This is the front page of my bullet journal. I honestly didn't plan on heavily decorating it since I didn't want it to be too bulky but I realized when you use tapes instead of glue, there will be no warping of the paper so even if they become thick they won't be awkward. So I just went on with it.


On the next page, I have the calendar for the whole year.


It took me quite a while to measure the layout so they would be in the center.


I also took a lot of research to look for some ideas to include in my journal so it would be functional to me. Since I am new to this, I didn't have time to learn from experience. lol. I took a lot of ideas from Erin Smith, Lootengstudio, and Journal Away.

The future log is all the events and tasks for the whole year.


Apparently this spread is called a Dutch Door cos it looks like a door lol. To make this, I just had to cut the other pages vertically and horizontally. Pretty amazing since I probably would have never thought of that. :D

Dutch doors are an easy choice for me to do since I'm a visual learner and I remember things better if I see them clearly. So this thing helps me to easily find them and lets me know I'm still in the Future Log section instead of the full page that you have to flip. In normal full pages I can get lost easily.


This spread will be my monthly highlights in pictures. :D From January to December, I will pick one or two images to put there. Will be really fun to look at by the end of the year and in the future as well.

Also I am jumping from one theme to another, from cute to vintage. I don't really limit myself to that but in monthly spreads I will do one theme per month so it will be easier for me to identify which pages are which.


And here I can put some random affirmations I can find to rewire my brain and do some manifesting or whatever lol. On the right side is therapy notes also for the same purpose but also to target more specific problems I'm currently facing.

I also downloaded a bunch of resources like vectors and illustrations from Freepik and printed them as stickers. Like here, the daisy stickers are from Freepik and I just edited them quite a bit so they will look like borders. Freepik is pretty amazing haha.


Next is my goals for the whole year. I have for personal, art, and social media.


The design is called waterfall tabs which looks quite like the dutch door except it gets less in every page so the end of the pages are visible. It looks so good and also very easy for me to locate. :D

The borders and flowers are printed and I downloaded them from Freepik here and here


This is the last page before the monthly spreads (which includes habit tracker, weekly tabs, and some other stuff too).

A lot of them have other spreads like finance trackers, content planner, budget etc. But I have them in a completely different notebooks so I don't get too overwhelmed in one journal. This journal will focus mostly on tasks and personal stuff and that works for me.

As you can see I really enjoyed making this and heavily decorating my journal makes me want to use them and look at them more often. In my previous mindset, I wouldn't wanna touch them if the item looks too good in fears of messing it up haha but I'm changing that and I actually enjoy writing on them and I wouldn't mind any mistakes or if the handwriting is not perfect for my standards. Life is too short to worry about unnecessary things. :D

3 columns
2 columns
1 column