Whenever I look the hustle bustle, noises and people look busy in making money then I feel that this is life but when I observed keenly then I think that this is not the life. It is just a track that leads us towards life. Some People understand life after the age. He understads after the hair turns white.

Image by Sammy-Sander from Pixabay

When the meat comes out of the bones, But an acceptable man is one who is understood in his youth. I think if one understands life at a young age, he can become a good world leader. If a person thinks that I get a lot of money and I live a peaceful life, then this is not life. What is life?

Life is about training children. Parents trying to train their children are life itself. You understand that I am working, doing great work and earning good money, so this is not life, this is an achievement. Life is to increase the generation, to bring change in oneself, to change with time is the name of life.

Change yourself in every way in life, increase your knowledge passion and experience after the passage of time. As per my opinion your relations make to able to live a happy life ether life is just like a see saw sometimes you are too much happy but some times you want to cry because you do not have a motive in life.

Image by 5688709 from Pixabay

When we are children, we always dream that we will become doctors, engineers and make our country famous. One thinks I will become an actor, I will become a cricketer, I will become a dancer and many such things. These are also very good dreams. All these things we think because we want fame and money. If we have all these things in our destiny, we will surely get them. But that's not life. Life is the name of making yourself.

Avoiding sins and doing worship is life. Helping people, looking at the little ones with kindness, treating the elders with respect and love, this is life If you don't have money in your pocket, try to work hard to build yourself up and make it so that it works for others. I don't have money in my pocket, it does not mean that I can not do good jobs in my life. I can, I can help the people in other aspects of life .Alas, we know life only when we are old, when our ages pass, then what is the use of it? After the hair turns white, we understand, from the bones, when the flesh is gone, then we understand what life is.

But a nationally popular person is one who should be understood in his youth. I believe that if one understands life in youth, he will become a work leader, he will become an ambassador and he will lead a very successful life. I have tried hard to explain as much information as possible about life. These good things that I have written, you sit alone and think about it and decide whether I was wrong or right.

!!!Thank you for sticking with me!!!

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